Late Night Youtube..
Long time, no blog :P
I’ve been a little busy lately, in a matter of saying hehe. I recently started daiting this guy, that’s really Amazing! I gotta admit that he just knows how to make me smile LOL.
Well, also I’ve been youtubing, and I’ve found a couple of cool vids, like the Best Jason Mraz moments, Jason Mraz gets funky, and some more, but I just gotta share this two:
soo cuteee, huh?
I laugh so hard when he says “quiero juuuevos!!!” LOL
It just made my day ☺
Well, hope you like it.. Right now, i have a speech to present, so i gotta stand up and make the best out of it! Wish me luck!
Stay Fresh!
Be Love!
Patty Zc :*
Loving This Song
Jam's Last Song Syndrome
Then I remembered...Mraz Man covered it! It must be awesome, then!
I am blogging today just for the sake of blogging. Mom and her friend are in the kitchen discussing remodeling plans for our back room. My brother is off at a friends baseball game. The new doggy Dunkin is sleeping in the kitchen while the four cats watch him with angry eyes wondering why he has not left yet. So I am sitting here youtubeing Jason Mraz like crazy. Would you like to see what I have been watching? Thought so. :)
I love Jason Mraz covers. They rock. It would be amazing if he covered this one wouldn't it?
Well I think I am going to go and take my wonderful new pup for a walk. I leave you with this video. Wich is to amazing for words. <3
Relationship 101 from the J-Man: What is a man and a woman
Let me just share with you what we learned from each other just recently. This is going to be long, but very inspiring I hope. So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. :)
Hey Jam,
So I was listening to the Portishead song that you love, Glory Box, and I was getting more and more I think why you like it. I have gotten the sense from you that you want to play the role of the woman to a man, that you appreciate the differences between men and women, and embrace them. I think this is a big part of why we get along pretty well, because I tend to bristle at feminism taken too far. I agree totally with equal rights for women, but I disagree that we need to toss all gender roles out the window as a result.
On the other hand, I don't think that there are any set of gender roles that are set in stone for everyone. It is something that every couple should negotiate and determine on their own. How they will interact, what their responsibilities are... specifically the ones that differ between the man and the woman.
I think that at the heart of many unhappy relationships is a lack of agreement over what roles each party is playing, and what responsibilities they should be taking. So there are things that we both expect from each other, and there are things that we want to provide that are perhaps unique... I want to talk about what I want to bring to you as a man. So I'm just going to go through and say what I think a man is, off the top of my head. There will probably be some missing.
What is a Man?
- A man is a leader. Whether or not a leader of other men, more importantly, he leads his family to prosperity and happiness, as best as he can. He takes responsibility for failures, and brings the benefits of success to everyone. He soldiers on even when it gets tough, even if he has to sacrifice some personal wants.
- A man is strong. Physically and mentally. Strong enough to make his woman feel it when he embraces her, and let her know that he won't ever let bodily harm come to her, as long as he's still breathing. Strong enough to call out anyone who says a negative word about his family. Strong enough to resist the temptations of those that seek to break up the bonds of his life, through seduction, whether it be sexual, monetary, or otherwise.
- A man takes care of himself. He looks and smells good for his woman, so she never stops desiring him. He is always improving and growing, so as to face the world stronger each day. He has the guts to take time for himself, when it is needed.
- A man is straightforward. He explains or shows clearly what he wants and expects. He doesn't lie. He doesn't act passive-aggressively. He doesn't apologize for his needs.
This is just a start. What do you think about these? What more can you come up with? And then, once you've thought about that...
What is a Woman?
Your Man,
Oh, hey love!
While I type this, I play songs from the J-Team playlist. It's very appropriate mood music, because these are the songs that speak to me most about the story between you and me, the most important story that I am watching unfold before my eyes...and I am liking what I see.
Since I was old enough to know that a relationship involved me "liking" a boy, I knew that I had a role to play. Of course back then, I had a purer, more childlike idea of what a relationship is—to be a good girlfriend, I should know a thing or two about NBA, knew how to play sports, knew how to stick up for myself and my friends, be cute, smart and be someone boys wanted to hang out with. I knew there were differences between boys and girls, and to me, early on, those differences were there for me to beat. Because to be well liked, I needed to be one of the boys. Gender roles held no real meaning for me because I grew up being told that you can be whatever you want to be, and all that jazz.
Of course things changed when I started growing up. I became more serious with my education, I frequently got sermons from my facilitator parents, I watched more movies, read more books, met more people. I'm not sure when I became a feminist (or at least a tame version of it), but it was only natural for me to take on that role in life because I wanted to be my own person, and in those times, women who were empowered were my example. So yeah, I wanted to be an astronaut, an architect, a doctor, a soldier, have jobs that I connected to the opposite gender. Back then, I believed that by being independent, I am making myself more desirable for the men because of the challenge.
It got a little bit blurry when I started meeting different guys. Some wanted girlfriends who were simple, who wore plain dresses, grew their hair long and wore no makeup. Some wanted girlfriends who had spunky short hair and the self confidence to talk to a large crowd. Some wanted girlfriends who would compliment them incessantly and who knew how to listen. Some wanted girlfriends who took charge of every situation and started every conversation. Some wanted conventional. Traditional. Different. Spontaneous. Crazy. Adventurous. Grounded. Dreamer. All this got me to three conclusions: 1. Men and women will always be different, 2. people want different things from different people, and 3. the easiest way to be happy in a relationship is to stop fulfilling many roles and just maintain one and hope to God that the person would love it: yourself.
In a question in OKCupid, if I remember correctly, I answered that gender roles are going through a refreshing redefinition. Sure they still exist and there are still a lot of by-the-book people who stand by it to avoid conflict, but my understanding of "refreshing redefinition" is precisely what you said: there are any set of gender roles that are set in stone for everyone, it is something that every couple should negotiate and determine on their own. Each relationship is custom-built.
The biggest influence I have on my views of what a relationship ought to be is that of my parents, and to be quite honest, it's something that I don't want for me and my future partner. Yes, they've managed to stick by each other 40 years and they put up with A LOT of crap to get there. If there is anything from their relationship that I would like to take with me, it is their ability to suck it up and take it whenever obstacles came, whatever they may be. What people see as settling for something less than what they want, I see as acceptance and the ability to adjust and agree to a compromise to be with the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. I know what I want, I know what I am capable of doing and I know my limits. All that considered, I still have the desire to modify all that if need be just to make a relationship work. Relationship IS work.
But not all work. It should also be fun and exciting and somehow always new. Like I told you, my dad tells me that friendship is the highest form of relationship and that any relationship founded on that is on the unbreakable side. I see my sister Rizzo and her husband Anton: although they have an unconventional marriage where my sister is the main breadwinner and Anton is the houseband, their humble beginnings can be traced back to the time when they were both team captains of a coed dragonboat rowing team...they were teammates, they were friends. Same for my brother Tjader and his wife Ria. They rode motorcycles together. They played video games together. They are still married and still in love.
I think by making friendship the root of everything, it makes it easier to like the person you are with...and even easier to love them after that. It makes treating each other with fairness, kindness, and honesty an automatic response.
Like I told you, I believe that expectations tend to ruin relationships, but they are inevitable and they will always be there, so the best thing to do is to learn how to manage them with your partner so you can both have a how-to guide in case things get more challenging. I have read your contribution to the How To Make The J-Team The Best Relationship It Can Become manual, and I would like to tell you how reading it made me feel before I get into my contribution.
I am pushing the horse and its cart out of my mind for this one, because I want you to know THE TRUTH FOR ME without worrying about scaring you, or getting ahead of myself, or making hasty generalizations. This isn't a hasty generalization...this is me knowing what kind of partner I want and this is me telling you that if this is the type of man that you plan to be for me, then you are the type of man I want to spend the rest of my life with, definitely. You are the type of man I want to be married to and grow old with. You are the type of father I want my future kids to have. Your definition of what a man is ought to be put in a book and be distributed to all men. If you are able to make this list and are able to give it, I think I can claim to be the luckiest woman on Earth and have it be true.
Having said that, here are a few examples of what I think a woman is...the things I am 100% willing to become for you...
- A woman is a motivator. She is a source of encouragement for all the people in her life, and she leads by making her own life an example to follow, by practicing what she preaches. She is a source of inspiration for her partner. She finds joy in everything and knows how to laugh and have fun. She knows how to keep herself happy because by being happy on her own, she knows she can infect others with it. She provides all forms of care and support wherever and whenever they are needed. She takes every opportunity to let her man know how important he is to her, and what she is willing to do and become to make their relationship stronger.
- A woman is responsible for her own emotions and actions. She takes full responsibility for her mistakes and takes the necessary action to make it right. She makes it a point to see all sides to a certain situation, and she makes it a point to always find the bright side in all things. She accepts the hardships of reality and powers through them no matter how daunting things get. She is open-mined, ready for change, and knows the importance of compromise. She is patient and loving and kind and generous with herself. She is genuine. She is loyal. She is faithful. She is honest.
- A woman is driven by her desire to be a better version of herself every day. She is smart and is always willing to learn and listen, willing to teach. She is comfortable in her own skin. She is open for improvement in all aspects. She accepts her strengths and weaknesses and uses them all to her (and her partner's) advantage. She has the guts to be herself and take control of her own life. She does not apologize for her wants and needs. She will do what it takes to fight for her beliefs, her principles, her decisions, and her relationships. She is independent, but she also knows what it means to be part of a unit, a team. She makes it a point to listen to her man so that she can be a better partner for him, keep herself desirable for him and only him.
What makes a good partner?
A woman who doesn't nag, who is not overly jealous, who is sensitive to her man's needs. A woman who has the capacity to nurture and take care of herself, her man, her family, and everything else. A woman who takes pleasure in the simplest things, even the smallest gestures. A woman who pays attention.
Yeah okay, ending for now, but knowing me, this will get longer as days go by. Do let me know how these make you feel and what you think about them. If you have anything to add, let me know and I'll work on it. :-D
Love always,
Your Woman,
Thoughts? The comments part of the program is now open. ♥
I'm Yours Cover
♥ Charlie (matcky)
A better-late-than-never Jason Mraz convert
My short film inspired by my fandom for the Mraz Man.
Synopsis: Tall Trees is an internet sensation. Manila-dwelling indie rockers Glen Willow (lead guitar), Mackenzie “Mac” Birch (keyboards) and billy puno (bass) immediately got on the Youtube and Facebook bandwagon, put their music up on their website, and were pleasantly surprised at how viral their stuff has proven to be. Now, at the peak of their six-month climb to the top of people’s music playlists, they have decided to come out with an official album and perform live in Manila for the first time.
Congrats to the Mraz Man...yet again!

I was watching the video that was posted on the homepage of JasonMraz.Com and instantly fell in love with how humble and grateful he is about all that's come his way. Simply perfect. If you haven't yet seen the video, please head on over to his site and check it. Completely worth it.
In joy (the picture, too),
the way i am
The best loves you'll ever have in your whole life will come when you're ready. All too often we find ourselves in a quest to find a partner to complete us or fill some empty hole we think is there. Take the time you're given on this earth to love yourself and discover happiness as you, in your own skin, being yourself with all of your quirks. It has taken me 26 years to realize my worth and figure out that I have to be happy in myself before I can ever hope to be happy with someone else.
And there it was, as plain as day, there the whole time, someone who takes me the way I am: flawed, defective, loose screws, bad wiring, crusty humor.
Tonight, Not Again
Sharing Super Songs
And then this one just because it's typical Mraz :)
Have a great day everyone ♥
I've done the impossible.
Well your magic he said but don't let it all go to your head
Cause I bet if you all had it all figured out then youd never get out of bed
No doubt of all the things that Ive read what he wrote me
Is now sounding like the man I was hoping to be
I keep keeping it real cause it keeps getting easier
Hes the reason that Im laughing
Even if theres no one else
He said youve got to love yourself
He said you shouldnt mumble when you speak
But keep your tongue up in your cheek
And if you stumble onto something better
Remember that its humble that you seek
And youve got all the skill you need; individuality
Youve got something. They call it gumption.
They call it anything you want
Because when you play the fool now
Youre only fooling everyone else
Youre learning to love yourself.
Yes you are
Theres no price to pay when you give what you take.
Thats why its easy to thank you.
Lets say take a break from our day and get back to the old garage.
Becuase Lifes too short anyway but at least its better than average.
As long as you got me and I got you, you know we got a lot to go around
Ill be your friend youre other brother
Another love to calm and comfort you.
And Ill keep reminding if its the only thing I ever do.
I will always love you.
(It's you i love our love is true
it's you i love
it's you i love love love...)
Climb up over the top.
Survey the state of the soul.
Youve got to find out for yourself whether or not youre truly trying.
Why not give it a shot?
Shake it. Take control and inevitably wind up
Find out for yourself all the strengths you have inside still rising.
Climb up over the top. Survey the state of the soul.
You've got to find out for yourself whether or not you're truly trying.
Why not give it a shot?
Shake it. Take control and inevitably wind up
Find out for yourself all the strengths you have inside still rising.
(It's you I love)
Climb up over the top.
Survey the state of the soul. For
Youve got to find out for yourself whether or not youre truly trying.
Why not give it a shot?
Shake it. Take control and inevitably wind up
Find out for yourself all the strengths you have inside of you.
See the Beauty in Ugly
Dahlia's favorites! :)
I love this song so much because I think it describes me perfectly! I think it describes alot of people perfectly! We are all beautiful but we all make our mistakes.
And of course this is one of my favorites! It always makes me happy and it is where I fell in LOVE with him and his wonderful music!
Love always, Dahlia<3
Ideas Worth Spreading
I think is TRULLY important to create an education system that nurtures rather than undermines creativity. And that's exactly what Ken Robinson speaks about. Please take a moment to listen to this. I promise is worth it.
Let's make Life Lists!
We all have goals in life. One of my favorite ones is, "Carpe Diem! Seize the day and make life extraordinary." This is a quote from the movie, Dead Poets Society, again, one of my favorites. You should definitely watch it if you haven't yet.
Having said that, what better way to make sure you live life extraordinarily well than make a list of goals for you to follow? I've been a member of 43 things since 2005 but I only recently discovered (remembered) that I never got around to updating it till my brother updated his through Facebook.
This site is awesome because not only do you get to set goals for yourself, but you also get to see other people's see people who pretty much feel the same as you and pretty much want the same things you do, too!
I don't know about you, but I am liking the concept. My take is the reason it's 43 (at first) is because it's high enough a number for you to keep doing something productive, but low enough to be attainable. After you are done with one, you can just keep adding new stuff and keep it at that number!
So yes, like Mraz inspiring us all to join gratitudelog (if you haven't yet, it's another thing worth doing; it's pretty easy to link it up to Twitter) I am yet again starting a new fad amongst you like-minded women by inviting you to join me on 43things. It would be awesome to see at the end of 12 months how much we have accomplished (if we take this seriously; definitely on my list of goals: TO TAKE 43THINGS SERIOUSLY) on our own and armed with our own resolve...and together, united by our determination, you know?
So yeah. Let's make Life Lists! Comment with your link here if you have decided to embark on this new journey. with me.
Amy's Smile Tracks
From the moment I heard it.
HUTCH! Woot. My best friend and I love love love this song. It's the best when we are driving and stopped at a light and the windows are open. This video was recorded at a show I went to in 08. The girl with the redish hair and ponytail on the left of the screen... is my bestie. Sarah. I am just out of sight. hehe. Eric has made Sarah and I so close. We love him :)
Love her! She is my relax music.... the playlist I play when I can't sleep because I am stressed... she calms me.
This song is my favorite to play on my ipod when I am walking home from work. It makes me move faster, and I sing a long and don't care if anyone hears me.
Enough for now :)
Alyssa's Smile Tracks
The first is "Where the Streets Have No Name" from 1987's 'The Joshua Tree' album. This song is an absolute monster live. As soon as the background starts, the crowd loses its mind. That's why I put up a live version of it from this past year. I looked through about 5 or 6 different videos and every single time I still had goosebumps. This is one of my favorite songs ever.
I want to tear down the walls that hold me inside
I want to reach out and touch the flame
Where the streets have no name
I want to feel sunlight on my face
See the dust cloud disappear without a trace
I want to take shelter from the poison rain
Where the streets have no name
Where the streets have no name
Where the streets have no name
We're still building, then burning down love
Burning down love
And when I go there I go there with you
It's all I can do
The cities a flood and our love turns to rust
We're beaten and blown by the wind, trampled in dust
I'll show you a place high on a desert plain
Where the streets have no name
Where the streets have no name
Where the streets have no name
We're still building, then burning down love
Burning down love
And when I go there I go there with you
It's all I can do
Our love turns to rust
We're beaten and blown by the wind
Blown by the wind
Oh, see our love, see our love turn to rust
And we're beaten and blown by the wind
Blown by the wind
When I got there, I go there with you
It's all I can do
Shoots up through the stony ground
But there's no room
No space to rent in this town
You're out of luck
And the reason that you had to care
The traffic is stuck
And you're not moving anywhere
You thought you'd found a friend
To take you out of this place
Someone you could lend a hand
In return for grace
It's a beautiful day
The sky falls and you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
You're on the road
But you've got no destination
You're in the mud
In the maze of her imagination
You love this town
Even if that doesn't ring true
You've been all over
And it's been all over you
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
It's a beautiful day
Touch me
Take me to that other place
Teach me
I know I'm not a hopeless case
See the world in green and blue
See China right in front of you
See the canyons broken by clouds
See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
See the Bedouin fires at night
See the oil fields at first light and
See the bird with a leaf in her mouth
After the flood all the colors came out
It was a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
Beautiful day
Touch me
Take me to that other place
Reach me
I know I'm not a hopeless case
What you don't have you don't need it now
What you don't know you can feel somehow
What you don't have you don't need it now
Don't need it now
It was a beautiful day
Monday FUNday
This song reminds me of a friend from college who has since moved to Atlanta. I introduced him to this song a few months ago, and it instantly went into circulation on his itunes. Now this song makes me think of him.
xxoo's on this fine Monday.
I just had a Jason Mraz dream.
I went bicycle riding with Jason Mraz, Tristan Prettyman and Tricia (but in this dream, her name is Brandie...haha Brandie, your name made a special appearance!). I kept wanting to show him I knew bike tricks, but I kept fucking it up so I'd wipe out on the pavement. I kept getting bruises. While looking at them, I'd hear the song Bruises by Chairlift in my head:
I tried to do handstands for you
I tried to do headstands for you
Everytime I fell on you, yeah, everytime I fell
I tried to do handstands for you
But everytime I fell for you
I'm permanently black and blue, permanently blue for you.
It started to rain, but it was also so sunny so it was nice. We pulled over and Tristan tried reaching for a branch to pull down so we can go on top of the roof of the house next to us. I look and I realize that the house next to us is our old house, where I grew up so I go, "Hey, this is my house. We can get on the roof through the mezzanine." So we go.
When I get into the house, there was a family party and I ran to my mom and said "Momomomom Jason is with me!" Then they come in and sat on the couch. Mom came to them to shake their hands.
I call him and say, "Jason this way!" So they follow me upstairs to the mezzanine, my former room. On the way, my mom told him about Mt. Banahaw (try searching for this in Wikipedia) and told them they should come with us to the mountain sometime.
When we got to the mezzanine, I found my brother Tjader and his wife were already on the roof, but they were under the shelter of the second roof (the roof of the mezzanine) so they weren't getting wet. We all got on the roof. I lay down on my back and pushed off with my feet until I got to the part of the roof where the rain was and it started hitting me in the face.
I remember feeling at peace at that moment.
Tristan, Tricia/Brandie started dancing on the roof and Jason sat in lotus position. Then mom peeked and told us to stop moving around so much coz it sounded like God was playing bowling and it was scary coz it felt like the roof was going to crash down.
When we went down, the mayor of the town was there, but in this dream, the mayor was Dane Cook (or someone who looks like him). He kept making "if you know what I mean" statements to us that obviously referred to all of us getting together sometime to smoke weed; it wasn't so subtle.
Anyway, so when the three of them and me and Dane Cook the mayor went out, we smoked weed. And then jason said "Dude, we gotta go if we want to make it on the boat" (?) Apparently they had to take a boat from where we started biking to get home.
So they got on a 4x4 Jeep and drove away. I ran next to it for a while and told them I would see them on the mountain. Jason smiled at me and said "Nice meeting you Jam. I won't forget your face." And then they drove away.
But they were so high that I they crashed the Jeep, but it wasn't fatal. They kept bursting into fits of laughter.
Dane Cook the mayor was so nervous about the whole thing that he kept saying he'd have to hide their bodies (?) on the mountain. Jason kept telling him, "Dude we're ALIVE! You don't need to have us whacked off!"
Then I woke up.
Okay, I'm going back to bed now.
Lisey's Happy Songs :)
1. Waters of March by Anya Marina
I just heard this song for the first time Saturday, but it's already one of my "ultimate" happy songs. The lyrics are super pretty, and it just makes you want to smile.
2. Electric Twist by A Fine Frenzy
You can't escape the happiness of this song. And the video certainly adds to it :)
3. Dr. Yang by Ben Folds
I cannot listen to this song without dancing in some form. Ben Folds is a genius, and there is nothing you can say to convince me otherwise.
4. Summerboy by Lady Gaga
Also, nobody can take away my extreme love for Lady Gaga. This song makes me want to dance around the beach with a certain fedora-lover takin' my picture with a polaroid camera :) Just makes me happy :D
So... that's all for now? :) Hope you enjoy
Jam's Smile Track of the Moment III
Damn. I think I need to remember to breathe and pick up my pantie from the floor.
Slow down, Lie down,
Remember it's just you and me.
Don't sell out, bow out,
Remember how this used to be.
I just want you closer,
Is that alright?
Baby let's get closer tonight
Grant my last request,
And just let me hold you.
Don't shrug your shoulders,
Lay down beside me.
Sure I can accept that we're going nowhere,
But one last time let's go there,
Lay down beside me
Oh, I've found, that I'm bound
To wander down that one way road.
And I realise all about your lies
But I'm no wiser than the fool I was before.
I just want you closer,
Is that alright?
Baby let's get closer tonight
Oh, baby, baby, baby,
Tell me how can, how can this be wrong?
[chorus x2]
Yeah, lay down beside me.
One last time let's go there,
Lay down beside me
Okay, this will be my last Smile Tracks post for this week. I need to post something other than song links! :P
B's Crack Up Tracks
Paul Simon - You Can Call Me Al
Sugarhill Gang - Rapper's Delight
This is from 1979, and I believe the first rap video ever
(I can rap this whole song)
What makes me smile?
Had a little love, but I spread it thin
Falling in her arms and out again
Made a bad name for my game around town
Tore up my heart, and shut it down
Nothing to do
Nowhere to be
A simple little kind of free
Nothing to do
No one but me
And that's all I need
I'm perfectly lonely
I'm perfectly lonely
I'm perfectly lonely (Yeah)
'Cause I don't belong to anyone
Nobody belongs to me
I see friends around from time to time
When their ladies let them slip away
And when they ask me how I'm doing with mine
This is always what I say
Nothing to do
Nowhere to be
A simple little kind of free
Nothing to do
No one to be
Is it really hard to see
Why I'm perfectly lonely
I'm perfectly lonely
I'm perfectly lonely
I'm perfectly lonely (Yeah)
'Cause I don't belong to anyone
Nobody belongs to me
And this is not to say
There never comes a day
I'll take my chances and start again
And when I look behind
On all my younger times
I have to thank the wrongs that led me to a love so strong
I'm perfectly lonely
I'm perfectly lonely
I'm perfectly lonely (Yeah)
'Cause I don't belong to anyone
Nobody belongs to me
(It's the way, it's the way, it's the way that I want it)
My second song is called Waving Flag by Knaan. Knaan opened for Jason Mraz at the concert i saw in august. all of his songs were pretty good but this one struck a chord with me. It makes me feel strong and never fails to make me smile.
when i get older i will be
stronger they'll call me freedom just
like a wavin flag
when i get older i will be
stronger they'll call me freedom just
like a waving flag
and then it goes back (3x)
ahhho ahhho ahhho
born to a throne
stronger than rome
but violent prone
poor people zone
but its my home
all i have known
where i got grown
streets we would roam
out of the darkness
i came the farthest
among the hardest survive
learn form these streets
it can be bleak
accept no defeet
surrender retreat
(so we struggling)
fighting to eat
(and we wondering)
when we will be free
so we patiently wait
for that faithful day
its not far away
but for now we say
when i get older i will be
stronger they'll call me freedom just
like a waving flag
and then it goes back (3x)
ahhho ahhho ahhho
so many wars
settling scores
bring us promises
leaving us poor
i heard them say
love is the way
love is the answer
thats what they say
but look how they treat us
make us believers
we fight there battes
then they deceive us
try to control us
they couldn't hold us
cause we just move forward
like buffalo soldiers
(but we strugglin)
fighting to eat
(and we wonderingg)
when we will be free
so we patiently wait
for that faithfully day
its not far away
but for now we say
when i get older i will be
stronger they'll call me freedom just
like a waving flag
and then it goes back (3x)
and then it goes when i get older i will be
stronger they'll call me freedom just
like a wavin flag
and then it goes back (3x)
ahhhooo ahhhoooo ahhhooo
and everybody will be singing it
and you and i will be singing it
and we all will be singing it
wo wah wo ah wo ah
when i get older i will be
stronger they'll call me freedom just
like a wavin flag
and then it goes back (3x)
and then it goes when i get older i will be
stronger they'll call me freedom just
like a wavin flag
and then it goes back (3x)
a oh a oh a oh
when i get older
when i get older
i will be stronger
just like a wavin flag (3x)
flag flag
just like a wavin flag
The third song is called You Got Me by Colbie Calliat. I dont really have a reason for loving this song.
You're stuck on me and my laughing eyes
I cant pretend though I try to hide
I like you. I like you.
I think I felt my heart skip a beat
I'm standing here and I can hardly breathe
You got me. Yeah, you got me.
The way you take my hand is just so sweet
And that crooked smile of yours
it knocks me off my feet
Oh, I just cant get enough
How much do I need to fill me up?
It feels so good it must be love
Its everything that Ive been dreaming of.
I give up. I give in. I let go.
Lets begin.
Cuz no matter what i do,
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you.
I cant imagine what it'd be like
Livin each day in this life
Without you. Without you.
One look from you
I know you understand
This mess we're in you know is just so out of hand.
Oh, I just cant get enough
How much do I need to fill me up?
It feels so good it must be love
Its everything that Ive been dreaming of.
I give up. I give in. I let go.
Lets begin.
Cuz no matter what i do,
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you.
I hope we always feel this way
(I know we will)
And in my heart I know youll always stay
Oh, I just cant get enough
How much do I need to fill me up?
It feels so good it must be love
I give up. I give in. I let go. Lets begin.
Cuz no matter what I do,
Oh, I just cant get enough
How much do I need to fill me up?
It feels so good it must be love
(Its everything that I've been dreaming of)
I give up. I give in. I let go.
Lets begin.
Cuz no matter what I do,
Oh (oh)
My heart is filled with you.
Oh (oh)
You got me. You got me.
Oh (oh)
You got me. You got me.
Okay DONT LAUGH AT ME. but my last song is a Justin Bieber song. I know i know, but i just cant help it. Something about this kids sugar sweet voice and equally sweet lyrics just get to me. I might be Justin Biebers only 18 year old fan. oh well. This song is called U Smile. Just give it a listen. you might like what you hear.
I'd wait on you forever and a day
Hand and foot
Your world is my world
Ain't no way you're ever gon' get
Any less than you should
Cause baby
You smile I smile (oh)
Cause whenever
You smile I smile
Hey hey hey
Your lips, my biggest weakness
Shouldn't have let you know
I'm always gonna do what they say (hey)
If you need me
I'll come right there
From a thousand miles away
When you smile I smile (oh whoa)
You smile I smile
Baby take my open heart and all it offers
Cause this is as unconditional as it'll ever get
You ain't seen nothing yet
I won't ever hesitate to give you more
Cause baby (hey)
You smile I smile (whoa)
You smile I smile
Hey hey hey
You smile I smile
I smile I smile I smile
You smile I smile
Make me smile baby
Baby you won't ever work for nothing
You are my ins and my means now
With you there's no in between
I'm all in
Cause my cards are on the table
And I'm willing and I'm able
But I fold to your wish
Cause it's my command
Hey hey hey
You smile I smile (whoa)
You smile I smile
Hey hey hey
You smile I smile
I smile I smile I smile
You smile I smile
You smile I smile
You smile I smile
With Love,
Jam's Smile Track of the Moment II
PS: This isn't the original music video for this song, but it's pretty funny!
Shed a smoke, broken in
Tale of woe oh oh...
Comeserating so hard to let go
I'm on your back scratching early
and your candidate...
I hope you never know how hard it is to
Hard it is to wait...
Hey beautiful, I seen you comin'
oh no you don't walk away from me
uh oh oh, uh oh oh, uh oh oh
Hey beautiful
uh oh oh, uh oh oh, uh oh oh
Hey beautiful
Hey, hey, hey beautiful
Gotta walk, gotta list
Gotta hall of fame
I got an asterisk next to your name
Grab a cup, drink it up
Make a battle plan
Are we ever up to the task,
at to the task at hand?
Hey beautiful, I seen you comin'
oh no you don't walk away from me
uh oh oh, uh oh oh, uh oh oh
Hey beautiful
Hey, hey, hey, hey
uh oh oh, uh oh oh, uh oh oh
Hey beautiful
Hey, hey, hey beautiful
I don't know, if I go
but if I go, I go alone
I don't know, if i go
but if I go, I go alone
I don't know if I go...
I don't know if I go...
Well if I go, go now!
Pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa...
pa pa, da da da da, da da da da da...
Pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa...
pa pa, da da da da, da da da da da...
Pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa...
pa pa, da da da da, da da da da da...
Pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa...
pa pa, da da da da, da da da da da...
greetings from the desert
My name is Brandie, I am 26, a single parent, chronic laugher, truly happy, peace seeking, jack of all trades, and very long-winded. My 4 year old took this picture of me a couple of weeks ago. She's an excellent photographer, and for all intensive purposes is known very affectionately as the tatertot.

I have been listening (astutely) to Jason since 2001-2002. I randomly heard "The Remedy" on the radio, and at first the song annoyed me because it sounded so much like John Mayer, who I couldn't stand, but I couldn't get it out of my head furthering the annoyance. The song stuck with me throughout my freshman year of college, and it wasn't until Fall of 2002 that I finally heard "You & I Both."

Sasha's Current Smile Tracks
Hello beautiful ladies!
First off, I L O V E the whole idea of the “Smile Tracks”! Music that just makes you feel good, no matter what. Most (if not all…) of that for me, is Jason, but since we’re keeping it non-Mraz related, I’m posting two songs in particular that are part of my fairly large compilation of “Smile Tracks.” Oh, and I also wanted to thank Jam and Lucy for their posts of “Smile Tracks.” You guys literally read my mind with those songs. Love both of ‘em!
*Thumbs up on the picks.*
The first, is “Be OK” by Ingrid Michaelson.
I like this song for the upbeat tempo and simplicity of the lyrics. It’s one of those songs that I just want to get up when I hear and sing along and dance to! It’s like a wakeup call that everything IS REALLY OK, and nothing’s wrong. Just take it one day at a time, and really FEEL SOMETHING.
Her music is so sweet and innocent. Really good vibes throughout it all. If you like this song, I definitely encourage you to check out some of her other songs on the album, “Be OK.”
The second song is actually from a San Diego commercial. Coincidence, right? It’s called “Smile On” by Anthems. This is the commercial…God, I want to be there RIGHT NOW.
Part of the song is in the commercial, here’s the rest!
Jam's Smile Track of the Moment
Every tume I hear this, no matter what my mood is, I can't resist the urge to sing along, and I immediately feel better. Like right now, it's 3:07AM, I've only slept for two hours and I had to go to the bathroom only to realize that the water is turned off...totally bad vibes over it (oh and yeah, I'm on my crimson all know what THAT'S like). But I run this in my iTunes, and now I'm smiling and I'm singing and I don't care if my folks wake up because of my singing.
Head under water
And you tell me to breathe easy for a while
The breathing gets harder, even I know that
Made room for me but it's too soon to see
If I'm happy in your hands
I'm unusually hard to hold on to
Blank stares at blank pages
No easy way to say this
You mean well, but you make this hard on me
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one, you see
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's
Make or break in this
If you're on your way
I'm not gonna write you to stay
If all you have is leaving I'm gonna need a better
Reason to write you a love song today
I learned the hard way
That they all say things you want to hear
And my heavy heart sinks deep down under you and
Your twisted words,
Your help just hurts
You are not what I thought you were
Hello to high and dry
Convinced me to please you
Made me think that I need this too
I'm trying to let you hear me as I am
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one, you see
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's
Make or break in this
If you're on your way
I'm not gonna write you to stay
If all you have is leaving I'm gonna need a better
Reason to write you a love song today
Promise me that you'll leave the light on
To help me see with daylight, my guide, gone
'cause I believe there's a way you can love me
Because I say
I won't write you a love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one, you see
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's make or break in this
Is that why you wanted a love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one, you see
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's make or break in this
If you're on your way
I'm not gonna write you to stay
If your heart is nowhere in it
I don't want it for a minute
Babe, I'll walk the seven seas when I believe that
There's a reason to
Write you a love song today