I'm in awe at this TED talk.
I can't believe how wonderful this poetry is! You listen and are completely engulfed and can not help but want to try it out yourself.. yet doubt you can.
I wonder if I could ever write poetry like this. It gave me chills and made me tear.
For me, TED talks teach me and inspire me .. and I'm so speechless as to how grateful I really am for discovering the talks.
Now, I know we all are sitting and waiting for Jason's performance for TED :) but in the mean time.. go to TED.com and discover so much. It's like these videos were made for me.. I swear.
"I feel like gratitude is always what gets us to the next level."
With gratitude,
So May and I just met through the facebook group and realized we not only live both in NY...both on Long Island...both in Suffolk County...both on the South Shore.... but OFF OF THE SAME STREET, WENT TO THE SAME ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND WENT TO THE SAME HIGH SCHOOL.
I am in love with life and all of its connections right now....
Wow :)
I am in love with life and all of its connections right now....
Wow :)
I am so grateful!!!!
With radical love,
on Friday, March 25, 2011
be love jason mraz,
life is good,
The Remedy,
welcome message
Comments: (4)
and excited to be added to this wonderful community and project of Mraz Women!
Hello everyone. :) My name is Stephanie Hardy. I am 19 years old and a freshman at Boston University studying Hispanic Language & Literature and (hoping when admitted to the program) Public Health with a concentration in Health Law, Bioethics and Human Rights. Sigh, that is a mouthful. I'm from Long Island, New York and loveeeeee me some Mraz.
I don't even know where to begin. Well, the beginning of my love for Jason Mraz is not a definite time or place. I don't have a day in particular where I remember falling in love with his music. I remember being very young and hearing The Remedy on the radio etc. I started to really become a fan with his We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things album however, I did my research and now, and rightfully so, know every song he has.. or almost. :) I'm not one of those "Oh my gosh...Jason Mraz is so good! I love that song he has with Colbie Caillat! Lucky!?" No. Oh no no no. I have a great and complete appreciation for the man, the music and the message although I have somewhat of a late start I'd say.
I saw Jason in concert first in NYC in October 2008 at Radio City! It was awesome, the gospel choir, the energy, the diversity of people. Next, I saw him at Jones Beach on Long Island August 2009, my home. Jones Beach is by far the greatest location for a summer concert. A Beautiful Mess: Live on Earth album is my favorite and that concert was of that tour, with the same arrangement more of less. The trumpets, the energy! THE ENERGY! His energy, the crowds energy and my floor seats were all perfection. I was in my glory that night.
December 2009 I got my first (I say that because I contemplate others) Jason themed tattoo.
When Jason played "The Remedy" at the Jones Beach concert, it was such a moving rendition of the song and it touched me. I cannot describe the feeling that I had inside. It's a very simple motto for life that can make all the difference.
I don't even know where to begin. Well, the beginning of my love for Jason Mraz is not a definite time or place. I don't have a day in particular where I remember falling in love with his music. I remember being very young and hearing The Remedy on the radio etc. I started to really become a fan with his We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things album however, I did my research and now, and rightfully so, know every song he has.. or almost. :) I'm not one of those "Oh my gosh...Jason Mraz is so good! I love that song he has with Colbie Caillat! Lucky!?" No. Oh no no no. I have a great and complete appreciation for the man, the music and the message although I have somewhat of a late start I'd say.
I saw Jason in concert first in NYC in October 2008 at Radio City! It was awesome, the gospel choir, the energy, the diversity of people. Next, I saw him at Jones Beach on Long Island August 2009, my home. Jones Beach is by far the greatest location for a summer concert. A Beautiful Mess: Live on Earth album is my favorite and that concert was of that tour, with the same arrangement more of less. The trumpets, the energy! THE ENERGY! His energy, the crowds energy and my floor seats were all perfection. I was in my glory that night.
December 2009 I got my first (I say that because I contemplate others) Jason themed tattoo.

I saw Jason for my 3rd time at the Life is Good festival in Canton, Mass September 2010. I was browsing his website, knowing it wasn't on any tours and found the festival would be 3 weeks AFTER I arrived in Boston for college. I was ecstatic!!! It was met to be. I was close to the front, soaked it all in. This is the first day that I was introduced to Brett Dennen as an artist and he has become another love of mine who I will see for the 2nd time in May in NYC!
I yearn to meet Jason, travel to San Diego area and see his favorite spots, visit Cafe Gratitude and all of these things. Many more concerts to come for me :) Of course!
Some other memorable moments for me were when his fiance TP tweeted me! I had commented a picture of her and who I thought was Jason, laying in the grass. It was really old and I was the only one to comment saying something along the lines of "This is beautiful! I can't believe no one has commented this, I love you two together!" She replied me saying.. "Ha! That photo you commented on was the guy I was dating last year" hahah awkward! Must have been G. Love..... My twitter is twitter.com/DJstephyh <- The name has changed as a joke ... don't judge lol I have like 6 DJ's following me randomly.. hah
Also, Tricia the joyologist is a big inspiration of mine as well! She tweeted me and answered me on tumblr about a question I had! Hardyhar.tumblr.com if you want to follow me on Tumblr!
Hm what else, what else. I am a HUGE fan and believer of gratitude and appreciate Jason's message of giving love, being love and being thankful for what we have in our lives. I cannot stress enough how uplifted I feel because of his blog posts and his music and the way he shines his light onto all of his fans and anyone willing to listen to his piece of mind. I know you all feel the same and that is why this blog is such a blessing! I'm not crazy, I am appreciated by all you fellow fans hah
Some of my favorites of his are.. The Remedy (from Live on Earth album), Curbside Prophet (Tonight Not Again), his covers of Rocket Man and Good Old Fashioned Loverboy (B-sides), Little You and I (Java Joe's), Older Lover (From the Cutting Room Floor), After An Afternoon (Java Joe's), No Doubling Back (Tonight Not Again) and on and on and on. Certain versions are just PERFECTION, so I had to distinguish. ;)
P.S. If you wanna.. facebook.com/HardySteph
With gratitude and excitement,
"We're taking the higher route, we're taking the ceiling out, We're going up!"
Hi :)
With radical love,
on Saturday, March 19, 2011
life story
Comments: (4)
Hello Mraz Women!
I’m so pleased to be part of this wonderful blog. It’s such an amazing idea to join together and spread stories of gratitude, hope, peace, love, and what’s going on in our lives to other women across the world, all connected by our love for Jason. I’m new here, so I’m going to introduce myself.
My name is Emily, and I live in Sheffield in England, (which is the greenest city in Europe, I’ve heard.) I’m 16, and I’m currently studying History, English Literature, Psychology and Music for my A Levels. I play the Piano and take singing lessons, but would LOVE to learn acoustic guitar too! I am also a huge Harry Potter fan, and have become obsessed with Glee (I got into it because of Darren Criss- Blaine- whose theatre company Starkid is another of my great loves in life.) I enjoy reading, playing music, hanging out with my friends, History (especially American), writing stories, walking, and listening to music (some of my favourite artists, aside from Jason, are Freelance Whales, Darren Criss, Blue October, Elton John, Muse, Mumford & Sons, Yann Tiersen, Matt Nathanson, Amy McDonald, Counting Crows, Simon & Garfunkel…. I’m also a big fan of Folk, Classical, World music and Wizard Rock.)
I’ve started using Twitter a lot more recently- follow me? I’d love to meet you all on there. :) I’m @moonshoesemily.
Something that I would love to do in life is some sort of roadtrip across America, the place I most want to visit in the world (because they have Jason Mraz, practically the whole Harry Potter franchise, Redvines, Jason, California, NICE WEATHER, groovy accents, and Jason, to name just a few things.) Basically, I’d love to do something like the video of I’m Yours, and just travel through all the small towns and meet people- I’m not particularly interested in the big cities like New York. Although I wouldn’t say no if someone offered to take me! My mum has a fear of flying, and so the farthest I’ve travelled from the UK is Austria, but this roadtrip WILL happen one day! Oh, and I will also visit Jason’s Avocado farm while in California, of course! ;)
I discovered Jason Mraz about 4 years ago through my friend, whose parents are a fan. She sent me a link of Sleeping To Dream and told me to listen. I liked it, but I wasn’t in love. On the related videos list, I decided I liked the look of the thumbnail for Bella Luna, which was a photo of a sunset, so I clicked on that, and I was absolutely blown away by the power and beauty of the song. I spent the rest of the day going through the Mr A-Z album on youtube, listening and favouriting all the songs, and then I bought the 2 studio albums he had then produced. My friend emailed and said “’I’m Yours’ is in the charts! We listen to popular music!” (I have never been a ‘Top 40’ kind of person, so it was funny to us when everyone suddenly knew about him- and only for one song, sadly.) Anyway, we’ve both had a lifetime’s ambition of seeing him live, and catching his hat together. There is still a lot of arguing between us about who would keep it though…!
Jason is inspiring me in many ways– some of my favourite lyrics by him are “Go make your life, not a living…” Because I feel like often we can be so caught up in the trivial of everyday life, that we forget what it is to just ‘live’ and to step back see the bigger picture. Everyone on this blog will understand what I mean, and I am grateful to Jason and others who inspire me, and show me there is more to life than the material side.
So far it’s been a pretty good year. I started at a new school and made new friends, I saw Freelance Whales when they came to England which was exciting, I am generally eating healthier (still need to start some regular exercise though, that doesn’t just consist of walking up to school from the tram stop everyday…) I have had no migraines for 3 months *touchwood*due to my improved attitude towards school that doesn’t accept ‘Oh my god I’m going to fail my homework/exam/life and now need to run around like a headless chicken’ (I used to get them pretty regular, and they’d put me in bed for a few days) and also, I dyed my hair red, which is a radical change for me as I'd never really done anything different with it, and it helped me to feel like a new, more exciting person!
Today I performed Piano for the first time in about a year in the lunchtime concert at Music Academy where I go every Saturday, and it went quite well, a big step for me because I HATE performing! Whenever I felt terrified leading up to it, I kept singing “The remedy is the experience…” in my head, and it seemed to work. In a strange way, I actually enjoyed the performance, even though my legs were shaking! I was facing one of my biggest fears, which always feels good afterwards, and I felt like I was giving the joy of music to people, even for just 5 minutes, and while I was playing, I began to think “This is actually one of the best times I’ve played it!” I have a great issue about putting myself out there with my music, I prefer to shy away in the background, watch others, and just play it for myself. But I’m slowly realising that it’s a wasted opportunity if I never perform, and it could even be depriving my friends and peers of the enjoyment and peace of Listening, so I signed up to do it today.
Just wanted to share that with you! I’m quite proud of myself, because a few months ago, I said I wouldn’t perform again after a bad experience where a performance went quite badly. I played ‘Le Onde’ by Ludovico Einaudi, if any of you are interested.
Ok, that’s enough about me; that was longer than I intended so thanks for reading... I look forward to meeting all of you through Twitter/Facebook :D It's pretty late in the UK, I should go to bed. :)
Peace, and hoping you are all well and happy too,
Em x
I’m so pleased to be part of this wonderful blog. It’s such an amazing idea to join together and spread stories of gratitude, hope, peace, love, and what’s going on in our lives to other women across the world, all connected by our love for Jason. I’m new here, so I’m going to introduce myself.
My name is Emily, and I live in Sheffield in England, (which is the greenest city in Europe, I’ve heard.) I’m 16, and I’m currently studying History, English Literature, Psychology and Music for my A Levels. I play the Piano and take singing lessons, but would LOVE to learn acoustic guitar too! I am also a huge Harry Potter fan, and have become obsessed with Glee (I got into it because of Darren Criss- Blaine- whose theatre company Starkid is another of my great loves in life.) I enjoy reading, playing music, hanging out with my friends, History (especially American), writing stories, walking, and listening to music (some of my favourite artists, aside from Jason, are Freelance Whales, Darren Criss, Blue October, Elton John, Muse, Mumford & Sons, Yann Tiersen, Matt Nathanson, Amy McDonald, Counting Crows, Simon & Garfunkel…. I’m also a big fan of Folk, Classical, World music and Wizard Rock.)
I’ve started using Twitter a lot more recently- follow me? I’d love to meet you all on there. :) I’m @moonshoesemily.
Something that I would love to do in life is some sort of roadtrip across America, the place I most want to visit in the world (because they have Jason Mraz, practically the whole Harry Potter franchise, Redvines, Jason, California, NICE WEATHER, groovy accents, and Jason, to name just a few things.) Basically, I’d love to do something like the video of I’m Yours, and just travel through all the small towns and meet people- I’m not particularly interested in the big cities like New York. Although I wouldn’t say no if someone offered to take me! My mum has a fear of flying, and so the farthest I’ve travelled from the UK is Austria, but this roadtrip WILL happen one day! Oh, and I will also visit Jason’s Avocado farm while in California, of course! ;)
I discovered Jason Mraz about 4 years ago through my friend, whose parents are a fan. She sent me a link of Sleeping To Dream and told me to listen. I liked it, but I wasn’t in love. On the related videos list, I decided I liked the look of the thumbnail for Bella Luna, which was a photo of a sunset, so I clicked on that, and I was absolutely blown away by the power and beauty of the song. I spent the rest of the day going through the Mr A-Z album on youtube, listening and favouriting all the songs, and then I bought the 2 studio albums he had then produced. My friend emailed and said “’I’m Yours’ is in the charts! We listen to popular music!” (I have never been a ‘Top 40’ kind of person, so it was funny to us when everyone suddenly knew about him- and only for one song, sadly.) Anyway, we’ve both had a lifetime’s ambition of seeing him live, and catching his hat together. There is still a lot of arguing between us about who would keep it though…!
Jason is inspiring me in many ways– some of my favourite lyrics by him are “Go make your life, not a living…” Because I feel like often we can be so caught up in the trivial of everyday life, that we forget what it is to just ‘live’ and to step back see the bigger picture. Everyone on this blog will understand what I mean, and I am grateful to Jason and others who inspire me, and show me there is more to life than the material side.
So far it’s been a pretty good year. I started at a new school and made new friends, I saw Freelance Whales when they came to England which was exciting, I am generally eating healthier (still need to start some regular exercise though, that doesn’t just consist of walking up to school from the tram stop everyday…) I have had no migraines for 3 months *touchwood*due to my improved attitude towards school that doesn’t accept ‘Oh my god I’m going to fail my homework/exam/life and now need to run around like a headless chicken’ (I used to get them pretty regular, and they’d put me in bed for a few days) and also, I dyed my hair red, which is a radical change for me as I'd never really done anything different with it, and it helped me to feel like a new, more exciting person!
Today I performed Piano for the first time in about a year in the lunchtime concert at Music Academy where I go every Saturday, and it went quite well, a big step for me because I HATE performing! Whenever I felt terrified leading up to it, I kept singing “The remedy is the experience…” in my head, and it seemed to work. In a strange way, I actually enjoyed the performance, even though my legs were shaking! I was facing one of my biggest fears, which always feels good afterwards, and I felt like I was giving the joy of music to people, even for just 5 minutes, and while I was playing, I began to think “This is actually one of the best times I’ve played it!” I have a great issue about putting myself out there with my music, I prefer to shy away in the background, watch others, and just play it for myself. But I’m slowly realising that it’s a wasted opportunity if I never perform, and it could even be depriving my friends and peers of the enjoyment and peace of Listening, so I signed up to do it today.
Just wanted to share that with you! I’m quite proud of myself, because a few months ago, I said I wouldn’t perform again after a bad experience where a performance went quite badly. I played ‘Le Onde’ by Ludovico Einaudi, if any of you are interested.
Ok, that’s enough about me; that was longer than I intended so thanks for reading... I look forward to meeting all of you through Twitter/Facebook :D It's pretty late in the UK, I should go to bed. :)
Peace, and hoping you are all well and happy too,
Em x
Post A Photo of Your Hair Day: A Documentation.
With radical love,
on Sunday, March 13, 2011
It all started when TJ posted a photo of her new haircut on Facebook. Check out the awesome bangs!
Then I did. I know, it's a mess of curls, but I've had short hair for years and this is the first time in a long time I've decided to grow it out. Besides, my boyfriend Jason already told my stylist not to touch my hair. (Yeah, he likes long hair.)
Then Christina uploaded hers. Awesome shirt!
Soon everybody else followed!
Whitney and her awesome white headband
Babe-alicious Dawn
Stephanie's CD album cover
Dahlia's crazybeautiful red locks
Marissa and her killer blue highlights, how I envy you!
Amy, hypnotizing you with her eyes
Sarah and her adorable glasses
May and her mustache. Another fellow hair grower due to boyfriend's demands. :P
So far, those are the people who were bored enough to follow the fad. Haha, maybe next time we should do a weekly post-a-pic theme! That should be fun.
I owe you a better blog post next time.
Lotsa love,
March 8.
My fellow Mraz Women!
Today is an International Celebration.
Cheering for all those amazing achievements women have accomplished through the years.
And because of it I want to congratulate all of you amazing people.
Because of the great accomplishments you've had through your lives, the struggles, the sad moments, the happy moments, those little moments that make you smile, everything that makes you proud, everything that makes you fear and yet you have faced it bravely.
Congratulations, we're still here, on course in earth enjoy every bit of it. All of us brought up together by an amazing guy, but now acknowledging the awesomeness of each and everyone of us.
I love you all,
Enjoy your day..
Patty Zc.
Be Love..
Today is an International Celebration.
Cheering for all those amazing achievements women have accomplished through the years.
And because of it I want to congratulate all of you amazing people.
Because of the great accomplishments you've had through your lives, the struggles, the sad moments, the happy moments, those little moments that make you smile, everything that makes you proud, everything that makes you fear and yet you have faced it bravely.
Congratulations, we're still here, on course in earth enjoy every bit of it. All of us brought up together by an amazing guy, but now acknowledging the awesomeness of each and everyone of us.
I love you all,
Enjoy your day..
Patty Zc.
Be Love..
For You, From Me
With radical love,
on Wednesday, March 2, 2011
be love,
song lyrics
Comments: (1)
The Lonley Whale - heartbreaking story
With radical love,
Patty Zc
on Tuesday, March 1, 2011
inspiring story,
Comments: (2)
Once upon a time, there was a whale called June. Or maybe her name is Margaret. Or Kate. We don't really know. A few nitrogen-hearted scientists call her 52 Hertz just because she sings at a 51.75Hz frequency, but I will call her Alice.
Alice isn't like any other baleen whale. Unlike all whales, Alice doesn't have friends. She doesn't have a family. She doesn't belong to any tribe, pack or gang. She doesn't have a lover. She never had one.
In the immense solitude of the ocean, Alice is completely alone.
The only thing Alice does is sing. Like other whales, she has been singing for a very long time. The first time we heard her song was in 1989, when the hydrophone network of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recorded her voice for the first time. The researchers at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution have been tracking her using these hydrophones for the last two decades.
Her voice is unlike any other baleen whale. It is unique—while the rest of her kind communicate between 12 and 25Hz, Alice sings at 51.75Hz. You see, my dear humans, that's precisely Alice's problem. No other whales can hear her. Every one of her desperate calls to communicate remains unanswered. Each cry ignored. And with every lonely song, Alice becomes sadder and more frustrated, her notes going deeper in despair as the years go by.
Nobody knows why this is happening. Nobody knows why Alice is going through the wrong paths instead of following the usual baleen whale's migratory channels. Some think that she might be a weird hybrid, one of a kind...

Alice isn't like any other baleen whale. Unlike all whales, Alice doesn't have friends. She doesn't have a family. She doesn't belong to any tribe, pack or gang. She doesn't have a lover. She never had one.
In the immense solitude of the ocean, Alice is completely alone.
The only thing Alice does is sing. Like other whales, she has been singing for a very long time. The first time we heard her song was in 1989, when the hydrophone network of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recorded her voice for the first time. The researchers at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution have been tracking her using these hydrophones for the last two decades.
Her voice is unlike any other baleen whale. It is unique—while the rest of her kind communicate between 12 and 25Hz, Alice sings at 51.75Hz. You see, my dear humans, that's precisely Alice's problem. No other whales can hear her. Every one of her desperate calls to communicate remains unanswered. Each cry ignored. And with every lonely song, Alice becomes sadder and more frustrated, her notes going deeper in despair as the years go by.
Nobody knows why this is happening. Nobody knows why Alice is going through the wrong paths instead of following the usual baleen whale's migratory channels. Some think that she might be a weird hybrid, one of a kind...