MrazGal Update: In the US and loving it!

The Recent Past:

Jason (the boyfriend, not the singer) just started a job at an awesome company nearby, while I am enjoying just being by myself at home. When I am not catching up on my gazillion shows on my laptop, I am taking a walk on a nice trail (that pretty much connects to anything and everything essential to surviving, like groceries, restaurants, cinemas and the like), reading fantasy novels, or baking. Yes, I have discovered recently how much I enjoy making desserts (even more than eating them!). It's just the perfect hobby to get into, too. Since I'm trying to rebuild my knee strength by taking brisk walks regularly, I am able to burn ze calories as well! Soon, I'll be back into running shape!

One of the things I appreciate about being in the U.S. is how friendly everybody is. I know my home country boasts of its special brand of hospitality and the welcoming nature of the people, but I've never experienced being said hello to on the street by a complete stranger. In Manila, people don't really do that often and when they do, it's often perceived as creepy or even dangerous, but here, a lot of people have smiles and heys to offer. When you're lost, someone's bound to offer you reliable directions, and sometimes even a lift to your desired destination. And it's not scary at all (edit: depending on the person.  If a creepy old guy wants you to get into his van, you know what to do).  I guess it's partly because the neighborhood isn't surrounded by slums. I'm not quite sure yet.

There was a shooting right outside our apartment building almost a month ago, and that still freaks me out whenever I think about it. Back in Manila, I've always lived in an executive village with a guarded gate, a setup that allowed me to sleep soundly at night without having to worry about stray bullets accidentally hitting my window or me. Being this near to an altercation that even ended up in the news made me think about how unprepared I am for any sort of emergency. What if I get held up, get kidnapped? What if Jason meets an accident on his way to work or back? Who do I call for help?

In the Philippines, we don't have a 911 hotline. If we did, I don't know what it is and I'm sure a lot of Filipinos don't know, either. That scares me. The leaked video I recently saw of two teenagers (in Manila, Philippines) slowly dying from bullet wounds in the middle of a mall with passers-by doing absolutely nothing about it (they were even taking photos of the victims, not calling for help) scares me. That sort of thing may happen in the Philippines for fear of getting involved by helping and being wrongfully blamed in the end, but it's the complete opposite in the States. Concerned people who witness crimes never hesitate to report it to the police. In fact, people who witness crimes or accidents and don't report it may even get into trouble themselves. So yeah, even if my environment here in the U.S. is more prone to all sorts of danger, I at least know that people won't just stand around, doing nothing.

The Now:

Right now it is 56°F and super windy outside, definitely colder than the coldest weather in my homeland.  Although I have been growing more accustomed to the cold US weather as weeks go by, the thought of going to a place with below-zero-degrees weather scares me.  Okay, maybe it excites me as well.  I have never actually seen snow bigger than a 100-meter patch.  Jason can't wait to bundle me up in layers and get me my first skiing lesson.  I hope I don't freeze to death or do something dumb like fall on my ass (though it might be kind of cute and funny if I did).

The Near Future:

I am pretty stoked for this upcoming weekend.  We're taking a road trip to Yosemite for one-on-one time with nature (Jason the boyfriend is a huge nature freak).  This will be my first time to visit a national park, so of course I am excited.  I am also SUPER EXCITED because on the way home, I get to meet up with TJ, who will officially become my first MrazWoman meetup on this trip. :-)  YAYYYY!

By the end of November, I am also embarking on a journey to San Diego to catch a Mraz show with Dawn and Jen.  This will be my first time to go on a trip to a different part of the country by myself...I am both super excited and super scared!  I am hopeful I don't get on the wrong train, or I'm not late for my flight, or that someone from Dawn's hotel will come get me at the SD airport.  I hope this trip will live up to the hype, it being THE MOST AWESOME MRAZWOMAN MEETUP OF 2011! :D  I wish all of you can be there.  Maybe next time! :)


I guess that's it for now.  If you haven't gone over to to create your profile, DO IT NOW and be sure to join the MrazWomen group. :)

Lots of love and light and awesomeness,

MrazWomen Update: This blog might not be as active as before, but our online friendship is as strong as ever!

I know, I know...some of you might not see the point of posting entries on this blog since we all already chat on Twitter and on Facebook (you have to message me to be added to the private group), but I can't help but feel a bit emotional (weepy even) when I realize that this is where it all started.

This blog brought us together in the first place.

For those of you active in the FB group and those of you who are not on FB but are on Twitter, I hope that you don't completely disregard the positive effects our blog posts have on MrazWomen such as ourselves, just because we have other portals in place. We have so many experiences to share--both good and bad--to other people and this is one of many ways to reach out to other like-minded folks.  For some, this is a fantastic and truly inspiring thing...imagine having a collection of friends you can talk to about anything and not being afraid of being yourself!  Only through the internet.

To encourage and inspire current members to post more and to encourage and inspire new gals to join our little online family of wonderful women, I shall post more on this blog.

I miss hearing from all of you!

Be love,