Well Hello There!
A lot has been going on with me since the last time I posted (I don't even remember when that was....)
I am less then a year away from finishing an associates degree in Health Informatics... thinking about going to OIT (Oregon Institute of Technology) for a Bachelors Degree in Health Informatics. It means more school.. but I don't want to end up working retail until I can hopefully retire someday. I see these older ladies at my current job so bitter about about everything. I do not want to end up being one of them.
Work is going really well. Last year I trained to do Customer Service and in September I learned how to do the bookkeeping. Checking is difficult for my anxiety and my introvert personality. I like working independently, yet still part of a team. There is one person at work who is really getting on y nerves... I guess we all end up having that one person that makes you cringe when they talk to you. When he opens her mouth to talk.. all I hear are the parents from Charlie Brown. Trying to be calm and nice about it because she is one of those bitter ladies I was talking about.. but everything has to be about her. She uses people to get a step up. I'm sorry.. she has thrown me under the bus many of times. It hasn't worked to her advantage, but the fact that she tries and then acts like her poo doesn't stink.... no way. Argh!
My Anxiety is completely in control. I feel peaceful now. I can function. I have my independence. I finally feel like a normal, adult, functioning in society.
Jym and I are in the process of the proper paperwork to get married. Its easy, just a pain in the ass to wait around for it. No wedding date yet, but I will be Mrs Stock by the end of next year. Why couldn't he have been born in America... would have made my life easier. lol.
Saw Jason last month in Portland. IT WAS AWESOME. Didn't get to meet him because he left to go home right after the show.. but we did meet Mai, Becky and Tina. :) It was awesome.
Well, that is the latest!
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