Gratitude book list

Here is the list.. in order of recipiant. TJ has it right now. If anything needs updated... address changes or anything like that. Let me know and I will update my list that goes in the book.

Also, let me know if I am missing anyone. ... I had to redue my list because of a computer issue so please please please let me know if you are suposed to be on this list and I have lost you some how.

TJ Harrewyn

Christina Dickerson

Elise Eldridge

Stephanie Hardy

Ellen Jannol

Dana Baker

Molly Kasakowski

Marrisa Martin

May Multari

Jena Redwansk

Sasha Brigante

Whitney Howard

Brandie Benson

Jam Regis

Baille Feliz Simplicio

Charlotte Yamat

Caisa Tornberg

Patricia Zavala

Paula Aubert

Then back to me.
