A new Mraz blog (ad)venture by MrazGal

It’s been 2 years since I started this community, and it has come to my attention that I have not even shared how my Mraz fandom came to existence!  Unacceptable, right?

I know I still owe a recap of my recently concluded Mraz Pilgrimage in San Diego, but before that, let me share with you the birth of yet another blog project:

Words of the Carbon-Atom Girl: The Gospel According to MrazGal

Here I plan to regularly blog my thoughts about Mraz, his music, his fans, his musician friends, and anything related to those four.  I have begun my new journey in the form of a blog entry series recapping my history as a fan of Mraz.  So far, I have two:

History of MrazGal – This talks about the first time I heard a Mraz song and my first few times seeing him in concert.

History of MrazGal, Part 2 – Here I share my Twitter/Blogger moments with @jason_mraz.

I hope readers and authors of this Mraz fan blog will also honor my new one.

…and yes, the pilgrimage recap is coming soon.  I promise!


Be radical love,

Jam a.k.a MrazGal

My Mraz Adventure!

My first year of college, five years ago, my best friend Erin introduced me to the wonderful music of Jason Mraz. It did not take long before I became completely and utterly obsessed, not just with his music, but with Mr. AZ himself. Jason Mraz is an inspiration to me as a person. Everything he stands for is incredible and his music never ceases to put me in a good mood. Some artists fade in and out of peoples lives and others seem to really "stick". I have never gone through a period where Jason Mraz has faded. And at the rate I'm going, it probably never will.

In 2009, when I heard that tickets for Jason Mraz were going on sale for a show at Jones Beach, (THE place to see a concert on Long Island), I was thrilled. I got up early and landed Erin and I some awesome seats. Floor level, center stage. I gave Erin her ticket for her birthday and the Mraz countdown began. About a week after I purchased the tickets I realized that with all of my excitement, I didn't notice that August 7th, the date of the concert, was also the date of my boyfriend's, at the time, sister's wedding. Let me just say, I had to do the right thing. His sister was like a sister to me and even though missing the concert was going to be devastating, I handed over my ticket to Erin's little sister Kim. Well, obviously they enjoyed the concert. They got me a t-shirt and from then on I got to hear stories about how amazing it was. They tried not to rub it in but it was a bit of a sore subject. I was pretty jealous.
My Jason obsession never lessened. After that concert I was determined that the next time he came even somewhat close to New York I would be there.

In 2010 my boyfriend and I broke up. This hit me hard. We had been together for a while and I didn't see it coming. (I tried to refrain from telling him that I wish it had happened a year earlier so that I didn't miss that concert.) And, as cheesy as it sounds (well, maybe not to you gals) It seemed as though no matter what my mood was, whether I was at a high point or a low point, there was a Jason song to get me through that moment. His blog always provided inspiration to move forward and even though he will probably never know, Jason Mraz helped me more than he could have imagined.

Erin's sister Kim called me one day at the end of July 2011 when she saw that Jason and Toca would be doing 3 shows at Carnegie Hall. One show on November 23rd and two shows on November 25th, the day before and the day after Thanksgiving. Tickets for all three shows had sold out in less than a day but I was not going to let this concert pass me by. Erin wouldn't go. Kim didn't have the money. I tried and tried but I couldn't get Erin to come. So, I did what any other crazy Mraz Woman would have done. I bought two crazy expensive tickets off of stubhub for mediocre seats for the Wednesday night show and gave one to Kim for her birthday. She was happy. I was beyond happy. The countdown began. I bought the tickets on August 27th and the three month countdown seemed to take forever.

As the time grew near, I was becoming more and more excited. When we finally boarded the train for the city it felt surreal. And I was determined to think like Jason and find him in the city at some point. Kim was excited too, but she must have called me nuts twenty times throughout the day. I didn't argue though, she was right, and I was okay with that. We spent a good amount of time walking around near central park, we grabbed some lunch and walked around some more. By 6:00 we were exhausted and cold from walking in the rain since 11 am. We made our way over to Carnegie Hall and waited for the doors to open. We made our way to our seats which were in the second row on the left side of the balcony and when I saw the stage I didn't know what to do. I was finally here, soon to be in the same room as Jason Mraz. And Toca Rivera. This was going to be incredible.

The concert was beyond incredible. When Jason and Toca first came out, I nearly lost my mind. The fact that they played all types of songs, especially the Jason Mraz classics made the concert so special. I mean 0% Interest and RKOP!? That's unheard of! I sat on the edge of my seat the whole time and even though I didn't think it was possible, when I left my seat, I loved Jason Mraz even more than I had when I walked in. Before I left, I checked the ticket counter for tickets to the Friday show. It was sold out, but I was again determined.

We waited by the stage door for about 45 minutes for Jason to come out after the show. The whole time someone had a Ukelele and the whole crowd sang along to Jason's songs. It was a great way to end the night. Unfortunately, we had to catch a train home and left before Jason came out. When I got home, I texted Erin to see if she would come to the Friday show if I could get tickets because Kim had her fill of the city for a while. After some persuasion, Erin agreed to come to the Friday show IF I got tickets. I spent a good portion of the next day, Thanksgiving, searching high and low to tickets to either of the Friday shows. I found one pair of tickets and leaped on the opportunity immediately. It was for the 3:00 matinee show where The Fresh Beat Band would perform with him. Yes! I was making my way back to the city to see Jason Mraz again, this time with my best friend!

Only, at 10:00 Thanksgiving night, the night before the concert, Erin bailed. I was left with two tickets and I was NOT going to give up going again. I picked up the phone and called my aunt, who is a music lover but not particularly familiar with Jason Mraz. Because she's the best EVER, she agreed to come in and see the show with me. Little did she know what she was getting herself into.

We drove into the city this time, and I introduced her to Jason's music beyond "I'm Yours." She was excited, I was elated, it was going to be a great day. When we got to Carnegie Hall, it was flooded with small children. The woman next to me was complaining, "I don't know who this Jason Mraz is but my kids came here to see the Fresh Beat Band and he better not take up too much time or bore my kids. These tickets were expensive." I screamed a little inside. SERIOUSLY!? YOU SHOULD HAVE LET A REAL MRAZ FAN HAVE THAT TICKET!

Our seats for this show were awesome. Tier 1 in a box. AMAZING. Much to my surprise, the Fresh Beat Band didn't open for Mraz, they actually played most of the show with him. It was great, obviously because all of Jason's work is, but not exactly what I had hyped the show up to my Aunt as. He sang his usual hits, plus "Merry Holidays," "Outdoors (from sesame street)" and "Rainbow Connection." He also sang about the number five and the song he sang with Bushwalla a few times, "Spiders Doing Push-Ups On a Mirror." It was a great show, only an hour and fifteen minutes, but not at all like the night before, which lasted almost three hours.

Afterwards, I led my poor Aunt to the stage door with me. Hundreds of small screaming children were chanting "F-B-B" for the Fresh Beat Band to come out. About twenty minutes of "FBB" chanting in, Toca walked out the door and made his way through the crowd. Nobody acknowledged him so I yelled "Hey TOCA!" and he turned around and goes "Oh my goodness! A REAL fan who actually knows who I am!" When he came back, he took a picture with me and thanked me for coming to the show. Once all of the kids cleared he actually came out again and hung out with us for a little while. He was so awesome to talk to and was very down to earth. It was like he was happy to sign my ticket. By the time he went back in it was just me, my aunt and another Jason fan still waiting by the door. The head of security came down and told us that Jason was meditating and that he wouldn't be coming down before his next show. I was disappointed, but then he told us that after the Wednesday night show it was so packed by the stage door that they couldn't bring him out and had to sneak him out the front. He also said that he MIGHT have to do the same thing tonight, around11:45 ,"if you know what I mean." Too bad I didn't have tickets for that show.

Too bad I'm an obsessive nut who was NOT going to miss the last show. I turned to my Aunt and asked her if we could go check for tickets for the later show. Now, don't be fooled, I just graduated college and have a ton to pay for, including loans and a horse. The last thing I NEEDED was to spend more money on tickets to another Jason Mraz concert. Yet, I was in such a zone at this point, I would have probably dipped into my life savings if it meant spending another few hours being in the presence of Mr. AZ. And I was yet again determined, this time I was going to show my Aunt what Jason Mraz really is. We headed back into Carnegie Hall and checked for tickets, so far none had been returned but we started a cancellation line. As people came in with extra tickets, the usher would walk them to us to be sold at face value. It was packed though and there really were no tickets to be found. The show started at 8:00 and buy 7:30 all we had was one balcony seat. We were willing to split up, but not one of us goes to the show and the other doesn't. That wasn't going to fly. Just as we got ready to sell back the single ticket, three young guys walked in looking quite confused. The told the usher that they had an extra ticket and didn't know what to. The usher and I were buddies at this point and upon looking at the ticket walked quickly over to me. "Look at this ticket. Take it. Front row, seat 12." FACE VALUE! AHHHHHH!

So I did it! I accomplished all three Jason Mraz shows, the last one I sat in the front row. Talk about dreams coming true. My Aunt didn't mind sitting up in the balcony, she was happy I wound up in the front row. According to her, my feet didn't touch the ground all day. This was by far the BEST of the three concerts and I honestly could have died each time I made eye-contact with Jason. I met back up with my Aunt after the show and she already knew the next move. We would wait. By the front, because that's what we were advised to do earlier. We grabbed hot chocolate quick and then stood our post and waited. And waited. And waited. Toca came out and we thanked him for being awesome. He remembered us from before. Even more awesome. After Toca walked away, I told my Aunt that when Jason came out, I was going to ask him what it means to have a road unencumbered by cats. Because seriously, I know he's all about the wordplay, but that line has been making me nuts for five years now. And who better to explain it than Mraz himself.

At this point, it was me, my Aunt and the Ukelele kid from Wednesday night waiting by the front. And then, BAM! A secret door opened and out came the security guard, who winked at us upon seeing us, and then JASON MRAZ. I should his name and he came right over and greeted us. The kid with the Ukelele spoke to him first as I just stood there completely star-stuck. Then it was my turn. My heart pounded and I muttered "Hi Jason, Uh I'm a HUGE fan." Then he asked me my name and asked if I made it to any of the shows. I told him I made all three and he looked at me thanked me quite sincerely, pressed his hands together and bowed to me calling me a "most loyal fan." He took a picture with me and I could have died. At that very moment. He thanked me again and walked away. Best Day Ever. With the Best Aunt Ever. And the Greatest Man Ever. And The Coolest Toca Ever.

I was convinced that I was going to be hit by a bus or something while we walked to the car. There was just no way that my week could go that good without it being the end. (That sounds morbid but you know what I mean.) I couldn't even form complete thoughts. Jason Mraz is Love.

My mother called me a stalker, so did Erin. But when it comes down to it, I look at myself as someone with passion. Jason Mraz is an inspiration to put my heart into everything that I do. And seeing him in person and then actually meeting him proved everything that I thought about him as true. So, no, I'm not a stalker. I prefer the term Dedicated Super-Fan. And now, even better, a Mraz Woman. <3

And guys, if you are with me the next time I meet Mr. Mraz. Please remind me to ask him about the roads being unencumbered by cats. Please, I've gotta hear it from him. :)

You are Loved,
The Dedicated Super-Fan

Best Mraz Pilgrimage EVER!!!

Well it looks as though my San Diego trip deserves a story....so here we go!

July 18th I recieved a notice that Jason Mraz tickets were going on sale for a Special Acoustic Evening with just him and Toca in San Diego! I thought, OMG San Diego! Where it all started 10 years ago. This has gotta be the concert of all concerts to go to! So after confirming with my AWESOME hubby I planned my stalking of presale tickets. 10:00am on the dot and I score 4TH ROW!!!! I only bought one ticket, just me going by myself and I didn't care! Come to find out Jam and Dawn, our very own MrazWomen were going too! I'd be sitting by myself but I'd have my girls to hang out with!

So then I waited....a very long 4 months! The week before the show my Twitter and FB started blowing up! I was on a mission to finally meet and talk to Jason! I mean, what better place to do that than in his hometown, in a very small intimate venue with easy access right? So all these messages were coming in saying "Say Hi to Jason for me! Can't wait to hear about your trip, etc etc"

So Monday was finally here! 8:30am flight and I had no trouble waking up at 5:15 to get ready to go! I was so excited. I was traveling solo but all my online buddies kept me company with their funny messages and I had fun sharing random pics of my travels. I arrive in San Diego to the beautiful 80 degrees and sunny weather!! I was finally here! Caught the bus to my hotel which just so happened to be attached to Spreckels (the venue) so I was super excited! The bus dropped me off and the first thing I see is the Spreckels marquee that says "Jason Mraz - You Are Loved" SQUUUEEEEE!!! Of course I took a picture and headed to my hotel to get cleaned up. It was only 1:00pm and I had 6 hours of stalking to do! On my way to the hotel I passed the OPEN stage door with all of the stage guys working! AAAAHHH Must hurry and get ready so I can get back out there!

So after checking in and cleaning up I headed out on my mission. Luckily I found a great little cafe attached to Spreckels with an outdoor seating area so I could watch the lighting guys work and talk with the security guard. I'm coming to find out the head security guard is a VERY GOOD person to know! ;-) I had asked when sound check was and if I would be able to go in and listen. No luck. The security guard then said, "Well, just try to get on camera" I say, "camera? What do you mean?" Then he tells me that the show is being recorded for a DVD!!!!! SCORE!!! This secret apparently had been keep for awhile so I was super pumped to be finding this out!
So after I hung out ther for about an hour, I decided to walk around the block to see if anything was going on at the other stage door. Nothing. However on my way back around to the 'happening' stage door I see Toca! I'm saying to myself... OMG that's Toca! Holy Crap that's Toca as I walk towards him and he walks towards me. So I stop him and say "You're Toca right?" Toca:Yes, Hi! Me: Hi,(I shake his hand) I'm Jen. I'm going to the show tonight, it's so great to meet you Toca: Awesome, are you from San Diego? Me: No, I came from Indiana just to see you guys! Toca: Oh WOW Thank you so much! We are so grateful! I gotta head to sound check now, but it was great meeting you. Me: You too!!

So off I go to the front of Spreckels completely bummed that I didn't get my camera out. So then I turn around and head back to the stage door and see Toca still standing there! Then I also see my girls Dawn and Jam!!
Yay! So I walk up to all three of them an say Hi to Dawn and Jam then we talk to Toca and get all of our pictures taken with him. He really is the nicest most laid back person I've ever met!! Then we keep talking with Toca (apparently he wasn't all that late) and Toca says "Well, if you guys are wanting to meet Jason, this is the place to be. He's gotta come in this door" We say, "Oh really?! Awesome" Then Toca says......wait for it......this is the BEST PART OF THE WHOLE STORY.....

"Speaking of...." We all turn around and guess who is walking up RIGHT BEHIND ME!!! I turn around and say "Hey Jason!" and start to walk towards him to give him a hug. Honestly I was quite surprised I was able to talk or move at all! Then Jason says " Hey guys, how's it goin" Then him and Toca and Tricia walk in for sound check. We were all so stunned, nothing else came out of our mouths. I could have said "Hey Jason, how about a Hi 5 or can we get a quick picture" Something! Anything! Ugh!!! Depspite the lack of picture or hug, I did get to talk to Jason so I say mission accomplished!

Hell by this point it was only 3:30 and I had seen both Toca and Jason and had another 4 hours to visit! So after I stopped shaking (lol) us girls preceeded to talk with the security guard and do some wondering. As we walk back to the front I see Michael and Nancy Natter. Most of you may not know who that is, so I'll just say they are close friends with Jason and Michael has even written songs with Jason. So I walk up to say Hi and strangly had to introduce myself with my twitter name but she knew who I was so that was cool! They were the sweetest people ever! Michael told us some amazing stories about how some of our favorite Mraz songs came to be. It was really great meeting them.

So we decided to go inside and see what's going on in the lobby. Bought an awesome tour shirt and had the DVD crew come in and film us! But then the one GINORMOUS mistake I made was seeing the Meet and greet group of people leave the lobby and NOT FOLLOWING THEM! I thought about it for a split second but come to find out they go in the same stage door I had been talking to security all day. If I would have just followed them there was a REALLY good possibility he would have let me in to the meet n greet. Oh well, I got my 'Hi' and I'm gonna be happy about it!

So then I see Philly (RKOP) and had to go up and say Hi. Again I had to introduce myself by my twitter name, but again she knew who I was. She is seriously the nicest person! She treats everyone as though she has known them forever! You immediately feel like her friend. Loved it! Dawn, Jam and I got our picture with her too.

At this point the opened the doors so I was ready for the show! Go into Spreckels and let me tell you that venue is absolutely amazing!! Only about 1400 seats and really beautiful! Little did I know this was going to be unlike any other concert I had ever been to. We all sat down and out walks Jason and Toca and they just start talking. Kinda like "hey guys welcome to my house, have a seat, I'm gonna play a few songs for ya" It literally felt like our own personal living room concert! We sat the whole time (other than a standing ovation for 'Mr. Curiosity') Amazing amazing amazing! I would pick this quite acoustic show over one of his huge band shows any day!

There was an intermission where we had time to talk to friends and I swear it was a freaking Jason Mraz friends reunion in there! All of his close friends were there! I got to meet a lot of them, and never did I feel uncomfortable so it was really wild! The 2nd half was also amazing! Overall a great show. He talked so much more than any other concert I've been to. And let me tell you, that dude is funny! I cannot WAIT to see the DVD! Maybe I'll be on there even.

After the show, I headed to my favorite stage door (lessoned learned, don't go to the door with the security guard and Toca, Jason will leave out of the OTHER door) DUH! But anyway, I snagged a setlist and got Toca to sign that. I went up to Toca and said "Hey Toca" Toca: Hey Jen! (He remebered me!) Me: I've already had a picture, but can I have a hug and would you sign my setlist? Toca: Sure no problem! So got my signed souvinier for this trip! After a LONG while of standing around I headed back to the hotel and saw Toca AGAIN and joked "Nice hotel Toca" and he says "Thanks Jen!" I said "Goodnight" :-)

Overall, I'd have to say, if Jason is playing in San Diego again and I have the cash I would go again! BEST PLACE EVER to watch him! Over course it would be really nice to see him in MY hometown too! lol Thanks for reading and I'll have pictures up soon. :-)