A new Mraz blog (ad)venture by MrazGal

It’s been 2 years since I started this community, and it has come to my attention that I have not even shared how my Mraz fandom came to existence!  Unacceptable, right?

I know I still owe a recap of my recently concluded Mraz Pilgrimage in San Diego, but before that, let me share with you the birth of yet another blog project:

Words of the Carbon-Atom Girl: The Gospel According to MrazGal

Here I plan to regularly blog my thoughts about Mraz, his music, his fans, his musician friends, and anything related to those four.  I have begun my new journey in the form of a blog entry series recapping my history as a fan of Mraz.  So far, I have two:

History of MrazGal – This talks about the first time I heard a Mraz song and my first few times seeing him in concert.

History of MrazGal, Part 2 – Here I share my Twitter/Blogger moments with @jason_mraz.

I hope readers and authors of this Mraz fan blog will also honor my new one.

…and yes, the pilgrimage recap is coming soon.  I promise!


Be radical love,

Jam a.k.a MrazGal

My Mraz Adventure!

My first year of college, five years ago, my best friend Erin introduced me to the wonderful music of Jason Mraz. It did not take long before I became completely and utterly obsessed, not just with his music, but with Mr. AZ himself. Jason Mraz is an inspiration to me as a person. Everything he stands for is incredible and his music never ceases to put me in a good mood. Some artists fade in and out of peoples lives and others seem to really "stick". I have never gone through a period where Jason Mraz has faded. And at the rate I'm going, it probably never will.

In 2009, when I heard that tickets for Jason Mraz were going on sale for a show at Jones Beach, (THE place to see a concert on Long Island), I was thrilled. I got up early and landed Erin and I some awesome seats. Floor level, center stage. I gave Erin her ticket for her birthday and the Mraz countdown began. About a week after I purchased the tickets I realized that with all of my excitement, I didn't notice that August 7th, the date of the concert, was also the date of my boyfriend's, at the time, sister's wedding. Let me just say, I had to do the right thing. His sister was like a sister to me and even though missing the concert was going to be devastating, I handed over my ticket to Erin's little sister Kim. Well, obviously they enjoyed the concert. They got me a t-shirt and from then on I got to hear stories about how amazing it was. They tried not to rub it in but it was a bit of a sore subject. I was pretty jealous.
My Jason obsession never lessened. After that concert I was determined that the next time he came even somewhat close to New York I would be there.

In 2010 my boyfriend and I broke up. This hit me hard. We had been together for a while and I didn't see it coming. (I tried to refrain from telling him that I wish it had happened a year earlier so that I didn't miss that concert.) And, as cheesy as it sounds (well, maybe not to you gals) It seemed as though no matter what my mood was, whether I was at a high point or a low point, there was a Jason song to get me through that moment. His blog always provided inspiration to move forward and even though he will probably never know, Jason Mraz helped me more than he could have imagined.

Erin's sister Kim called me one day at the end of July 2011 when she saw that Jason and Toca would be doing 3 shows at Carnegie Hall. One show on November 23rd and two shows on November 25th, the day before and the day after Thanksgiving. Tickets for all three shows had sold out in less than a day but I was not going to let this concert pass me by. Erin wouldn't go. Kim didn't have the money. I tried and tried but I couldn't get Erin to come. So, I did what any other crazy Mraz Woman would have done. I bought two crazy expensive tickets off of stubhub for mediocre seats for the Wednesday night show and gave one to Kim for her birthday. She was happy. I was beyond happy. The countdown began. I bought the tickets on August 27th and the three month countdown seemed to take forever.

As the time grew near, I was becoming more and more excited. When we finally boarded the train for the city it felt surreal. And I was determined to think like Jason and find him in the city at some point. Kim was excited too, but she must have called me nuts twenty times throughout the day. I didn't argue though, she was right, and I was okay with that. We spent a good amount of time walking around near central park, we grabbed some lunch and walked around some more. By 6:00 we were exhausted and cold from walking in the rain since 11 am. We made our way over to Carnegie Hall and waited for the doors to open. We made our way to our seats which were in the second row on the left side of the balcony and when I saw the stage I didn't know what to do. I was finally here, soon to be in the same room as Jason Mraz. And Toca Rivera. This was going to be incredible.

The concert was beyond incredible. When Jason and Toca first came out, I nearly lost my mind. The fact that they played all types of songs, especially the Jason Mraz classics made the concert so special. I mean 0% Interest and RKOP!? That's unheard of! I sat on the edge of my seat the whole time and even though I didn't think it was possible, when I left my seat, I loved Jason Mraz even more than I had when I walked in. Before I left, I checked the ticket counter for tickets to the Friday show. It was sold out, but I was again determined.

We waited by the stage door for about 45 minutes for Jason to come out after the show. The whole time someone had a Ukelele and the whole crowd sang along to Jason's songs. It was a great way to end the night. Unfortunately, we had to catch a train home and left before Jason came out. When I got home, I texted Erin to see if she would come to the Friday show if I could get tickets because Kim had her fill of the city for a while. After some persuasion, Erin agreed to come to the Friday show IF I got tickets. I spent a good portion of the next day, Thanksgiving, searching high and low to tickets to either of the Friday shows. I found one pair of tickets and leaped on the opportunity immediately. It was for the 3:00 matinee show where The Fresh Beat Band would perform with him. Yes! I was making my way back to the city to see Jason Mraz again, this time with my best friend!

Only, at 10:00 Thanksgiving night, the night before the concert, Erin bailed. I was left with two tickets and I was NOT going to give up going again. I picked up the phone and called my aunt, who is a music lover but not particularly familiar with Jason Mraz. Because she's the best EVER, she agreed to come in and see the show with me. Little did she know what she was getting herself into.

We drove into the city this time, and I introduced her to Jason's music beyond "I'm Yours." She was excited, I was elated, it was going to be a great day. When we got to Carnegie Hall, it was flooded with small children. The woman next to me was complaining, "I don't know who this Jason Mraz is but my kids came here to see the Fresh Beat Band and he better not take up too much time or bore my kids. These tickets were expensive." I screamed a little inside. SERIOUSLY!? YOU SHOULD HAVE LET A REAL MRAZ FAN HAVE THAT TICKET!

Our seats for this show were awesome. Tier 1 in a box. AMAZING. Much to my surprise, the Fresh Beat Band didn't open for Mraz, they actually played most of the show with him. It was great, obviously because all of Jason's work is, but not exactly what I had hyped the show up to my Aunt as. He sang his usual hits, plus "Merry Holidays," "Outdoors (from sesame street)" and "Rainbow Connection." He also sang about the number five and the song he sang with Bushwalla a few times, "Spiders Doing Push-Ups On a Mirror." It was a great show, only an hour and fifteen minutes, but not at all like the night before, which lasted almost three hours.

Afterwards, I led my poor Aunt to the stage door with me. Hundreds of small screaming children were chanting "F-B-B" for the Fresh Beat Band to come out. About twenty minutes of "FBB" chanting in, Toca walked out the door and made his way through the crowd. Nobody acknowledged him so I yelled "Hey TOCA!" and he turned around and goes "Oh my goodness! A REAL fan who actually knows who I am!" When he came back, he took a picture with me and thanked me for coming to the show. Once all of the kids cleared he actually came out again and hung out with us for a little while. He was so awesome to talk to and was very down to earth. It was like he was happy to sign my ticket. By the time he went back in it was just me, my aunt and another Jason fan still waiting by the door. The head of security came down and told us that Jason was meditating and that he wouldn't be coming down before his next show. I was disappointed, but then he told us that after the Wednesday night show it was so packed by the stage door that they couldn't bring him out and had to sneak him out the front. He also said that he MIGHT have to do the same thing tonight, around11:45 ,"if you know what I mean." Too bad I didn't have tickets for that show.

Too bad I'm an obsessive nut who was NOT going to miss the last show. I turned to my Aunt and asked her if we could go check for tickets for the later show. Now, don't be fooled, I just graduated college and have a ton to pay for, including loans and a horse. The last thing I NEEDED was to spend more money on tickets to another Jason Mraz concert. Yet, I was in such a zone at this point, I would have probably dipped into my life savings if it meant spending another few hours being in the presence of Mr. AZ. And I was yet again determined, this time I was going to show my Aunt what Jason Mraz really is. We headed back into Carnegie Hall and checked for tickets, so far none had been returned but we started a cancellation line. As people came in with extra tickets, the usher would walk them to us to be sold at face value. It was packed though and there really were no tickets to be found. The show started at 8:00 and buy 7:30 all we had was one balcony seat. We were willing to split up, but not one of us goes to the show and the other doesn't. That wasn't going to fly. Just as we got ready to sell back the single ticket, three young guys walked in looking quite confused. The told the usher that they had an extra ticket and didn't know what to. The usher and I were buddies at this point and upon looking at the ticket walked quickly over to me. "Look at this ticket. Take it. Front row, seat 12." FACE VALUE! AHHHHHH!

So I did it! I accomplished all three Jason Mraz shows, the last one I sat in the front row. Talk about dreams coming true. My Aunt didn't mind sitting up in the balcony, she was happy I wound up in the front row. According to her, my feet didn't touch the ground all day. This was by far the BEST of the three concerts and I honestly could have died each time I made eye-contact with Jason. I met back up with my Aunt after the show and she already knew the next move. We would wait. By the front, because that's what we were advised to do earlier. We grabbed hot chocolate quick and then stood our post and waited. And waited. And waited. Toca came out and we thanked him for being awesome. He remembered us from before. Even more awesome. After Toca walked away, I told my Aunt that when Jason came out, I was going to ask him what it means to have a road unencumbered by cats. Because seriously, I know he's all about the wordplay, but that line has been making me nuts for five years now. And who better to explain it than Mraz himself.

At this point, it was me, my Aunt and the Ukelele kid from Wednesday night waiting by the front. And then, BAM! A secret door opened and out came the security guard, who winked at us upon seeing us, and then JASON MRAZ. I should his name and he came right over and greeted us. The kid with the Ukelele spoke to him first as I just stood there completely star-stuck. Then it was my turn. My heart pounded and I muttered "Hi Jason, Uh I'm a HUGE fan." Then he asked me my name and asked if I made it to any of the shows. I told him I made all three and he looked at me thanked me quite sincerely, pressed his hands together and bowed to me calling me a "most loyal fan." He took a picture with me and I could have died. At that very moment. He thanked me again and walked away. Best Day Ever. With the Best Aunt Ever. And the Greatest Man Ever. And The Coolest Toca Ever.

I was convinced that I was going to be hit by a bus or something while we walked to the car. There was just no way that my week could go that good without it being the end. (That sounds morbid but you know what I mean.) I couldn't even form complete thoughts. Jason Mraz is Love.

My mother called me a stalker, so did Erin. But when it comes down to it, I look at myself as someone with passion. Jason Mraz is an inspiration to put my heart into everything that I do. And seeing him in person and then actually meeting him proved everything that I thought about him as true. So, no, I'm not a stalker. I prefer the term Dedicated Super-Fan. And now, even better, a Mraz Woman. <3

And guys, if you are with me the next time I meet Mr. Mraz. Please remind me to ask him about the roads being unencumbered by cats. Please, I've gotta hear it from him. :)

You are Loved,
The Dedicated Super-Fan

Best Mraz Pilgrimage EVER!!!

Well it looks as though my San Diego trip deserves a story....so here we go!

July 18th I recieved a notice that Jason Mraz tickets were going on sale for a Special Acoustic Evening with just him and Toca in San Diego! I thought, OMG San Diego! Where it all started 10 years ago. This has gotta be the concert of all concerts to go to! So after confirming with my AWESOME hubby I planned my stalking of presale tickets. 10:00am on the dot and I score 4TH ROW!!!! I only bought one ticket, just me going by myself and I didn't care! Come to find out Jam and Dawn, our very own MrazWomen were going too! I'd be sitting by myself but I'd have my girls to hang out with!

So then I waited....a very long 4 months! The week before the show my Twitter and FB started blowing up! I was on a mission to finally meet and talk to Jason! I mean, what better place to do that than in his hometown, in a very small intimate venue with easy access right? So all these messages were coming in saying "Say Hi to Jason for me! Can't wait to hear about your trip, etc etc"

So Monday was finally here! 8:30am flight and I had no trouble waking up at 5:15 to get ready to go! I was so excited. I was traveling solo but all my online buddies kept me company with their funny messages and I had fun sharing random pics of my travels. I arrive in San Diego to the beautiful 80 degrees and sunny weather!! I was finally here! Caught the bus to my hotel which just so happened to be attached to Spreckels (the venue) so I was super excited! The bus dropped me off and the first thing I see is the Spreckels marquee that says "Jason Mraz - You Are Loved" SQUUUEEEEE!!! Of course I took a picture and headed to my hotel to get cleaned up. It was only 1:00pm and I had 6 hours of stalking to do! On my way to the hotel I passed the OPEN stage door with all of the stage guys working! AAAAHHH Must hurry and get ready so I can get back out there!

So after checking in and cleaning up I headed out on my mission. Luckily I found a great little cafe attached to Spreckels with an outdoor seating area so I could watch the lighting guys work and talk with the security guard. I'm coming to find out the head security guard is a VERY GOOD person to know! ;-) I had asked when sound check was and if I would be able to go in and listen. No luck. The security guard then said, "Well, just try to get on camera" I say, "camera? What do you mean?" Then he tells me that the show is being recorded for a DVD!!!!! SCORE!!! This secret apparently had been keep for awhile so I was super pumped to be finding this out!
So after I hung out ther for about an hour, I decided to walk around the block to see if anything was going on at the other stage door. Nothing. However on my way back around to the 'happening' stage door I see Toca! I'm saying to myself... OMG that's Toca! Holy Crap that's Toca as I walk towards him and he walks towards me. So I stop him and say "You're Toca right?" Toca:Yes, Hi! Me: Hi,(I shake his hand) I'm Jen. I'm going to the show tonight, it's so great to meet you Toca: Awesome, are you from San Diego? Me: No, I came from Indiana just to see you guys! Toca: Oh WOW Thank you so much! We are so grateful! I gotta head to sound check now, but it was great meeting you. Me: You too!!

So off I go to the front of Spreckels completely bummed that I didn't get my camera out. So then I turn around and head back to the stage door and see Toca still standing there! Then I also see my girls Dawn and Jam!!
Yay! So I walk up to all three of them an say Hi to Dawn and Jam then we talk to Toca and get all of our pictures taken with him. He really is the nicest most laid back person I've ever met!! Then we keep talking with Toca (apparently he wasn't all that late) and Toca says "Well, if you guys are wanting to meet Jason, this is the place to be. He's gotta come in this door" We say, "Oh really?! Awesome" Then Toca says......wait for it......this is the BEST PART OF THE WHOLE STORY.....

"Speaking of...." We all turn around and guess who is walking up RIGHT BEHIND ME!!! I turn around and say "Hey Jason!" and start to walk towards him to give him a hug. Honestly I was quite surprised I was able to talk or move at all! Then Jason says " Hey guys, how's it goin" Then him and Toca and Tricia walk in for sound check. We were all so stunned, nothing else came out of our mouths. I could have said "Hey Jason, how about a Hi 5 or can we get a quick picture" Something! Anything! Ugh!!! Depspite the lack of picture or hug, I did get to talk to Jason so I say mission accomplished!

Hell by this point it was only 3:30 and I had seen both Toca and Jason and had another 4 hours to visit! So after I stopped shaking (lol) us girls preceeded to talk with the security guard and do some wondering. As we walk back to the front I see Michael and Nancy Natter. Most of you may not know who that is, so I'll just say they are close friends with Jason and Michael has even written songs with Jason. So I walk up to say Hi and strangly had to introduce myself with my twitter name but she knew who I was so that was cool! They were the sweetest people ever! Michael told us some amazing stories about how some of our favorite Mraz songs came to be. It was really great meeting them.

So we decided to go inside and see what's going on in the lobby. Bought an awesome tour shirt and had the DVD crew come in and film us! But then the one GINORMOUS mistake I made was seeing the Meet and greet group of people leave the lobby and NOT FOLLOWING THEM! I thought about it for a split second but come to find out they go in the same stage door I had been talking to security all day. If I would have just followed them there was a REALLY good possibility he would have let me in to the meet n greet. Oh well, I got my 'Hi' and I'm gonna be happy about it!

So then I see Philly (RKOP) and had to go up and say Hi. Again I had to introduce myself by my twitter name, but again she knew who I was. She is seriously the nicest person! She treats everyone as though she has known them forever! You immediately feel like her friend. Loved it! Dawn, Jam and I got our picture with her too.

At this point the opened the doors so I was ready for the show! Go into Spreckels and let me tell you that venue is absolutely amazing!! Only about 1400 seats and really beautiful! Little did I know this was going to be unlike any other concert I had ever been to. We all sat down and out walks Jason and Toca and they just start talking. Kinda like "hey guys welcome to my house, have a seat, I'm gonna play a few songs for ya" It literally felt like our own personal living room concert! We sat the whole time (other than a standing ovation for 'Mr. Curiosity') Amazing amazing amazing! I would pick this quite acoustic show over one of his huge band shows any day!

There was an intermission where we had time to talk to friends and I swear it was a freaking Jason Mraz friends reunion in there! All of his close friends were there! I got to meet a lot of them, and never did I feel uncomfortable so it was really wild! The 2nd half was also amazing! Overall a great show. He talked so much more than any other concert I've been to. And let me tell you, that dude is funny! I cannot WAIT to see the DVD! Maybe I'll be on there even.

After the show, I headed to my favorite stage door (lessoned learned, don't go to the door with the security guard and Toca, Jason will leave out of the OTHER door) DUH! But anyway, I snagged a setlist and got Toca to sign that. I went up to Toca and said "Hey Toca" Toca: Hey Jen! (He remebered me!) Me: I've already had a picture, but can I have a hug and would you sign my setlist? Toca: Sure no problem! So got my signed souvinier for this trip! After a LONG while of standing around I headed back to the hotel and saw Toca AGAIN and joked "Nice hotel Toca" and he says "Thanks Jen!" I said "Goodnight" :-)

Overall, I'd have to say, if Jason is playing in San Diego again and I have the cash I would go again! BEST PLACE EVER to watch him! Over course it would be really nice to see him in MY hometown too! lol Thanks for reading and I'll have pictures up soon. :-)

MrazGal Update: In the US and loving it!

The Recent Past:

Jason (the boyfriend, not the singer) just started a job at an awesome company nearby, while I am enjoying just being by myself at home. When I am not catching up on my gazillion shows on my laptop, I am taking a walk on a nice trail (that pretty much connects to anything and everything essential to surviving, like groceries, restaurants, cinemas and the like), reading fantasy novels, or baking. Yes, I have discovered recently how much I enjoy making desserts (even more than eating them!). It's just the perfect hobby to get into, too. Since I'm trying to rebuild my knee strength by taking brisk walks regularly, I am able to burn ze calories as well! Soon, I'll be back into running shape!

One of the things I appreciate about being in the U.S. is how friendly everybody is. I know my home country boasts of its special brand of hospitality and the welcoming nature of the people, but I've never experienced being said hello to on the street by a complete stranger. In Manila, people don't really do that often and when they do, it's often perceived as creepy or even dangerous, but here, a lot of people have smiles and heys to offer. When you're lost, someone's bound to offer you reliable directions, and sometimes even a lift to your desired destination. And it's not scary at all (edit: depending on the person.  If a creepy old guy wants you to get into his van, you know what to do).  I guess it's partly because the neighborhood isn't surrounded by slums. I'm not quite sure yet.

There was a shooting right outside our apartment building almost a month ago, and that still freaks me out whenever I think about it. Back in Manila, I've always lived in an executive village with a guarded gate, a setup that allowed me to sleep soundly at night without having to worry about stray bullets accidentally hitting my window or me. Being this near to an altercation that even ended up in the news made me think about how unprepared I am for any sort of emergency. What if I get held up, get kidnapped? What if Jason meets an accident on his way to work or back? Who do I call for help?

In the Philippines, we don't have a 911 hotline. If we did, I don't know what it is and I'm sure a lot of Filipinos don't know, either. That scares me. The leaked video I recently saw of two teenagers (in Manila, Philippines) slowly dying from bullet wounds in the middle of a mall with passers-by doing absolutely nothing about it (they were even taking photos of the victims, not calling for help) scares me. That sort of thing may happen in the Philippines for fear of getting involved by helping and being wrongfully blamed in the end, but it's the complete opposite in the States. Concerned people who witness crimes never hesitate to report it to the police. In fact, people who witness crimes or accidents and don't report it may even get into trouble themselves. So yeah, even if my environment here in the U.S. is more prone to all sorts of danger, I at least know that people won't just stand around, doing nothing.

The Now:

Right now it is 56°F and super windy outside, definitely colder than the coldest weather in my homeland.  Although I have been growing more accustomed to the cold US weather as weeks go by, the thought of going to a place with below-zero-degrees weather scares me.  Okay, maybe it excites me as well.  I have never actually seen snow bigger than a 100-meter patch.  Jason can't wait to bundle me up in layers and get me my first skiing lesson.  I hope I don't freeze to death or do something dumb like fall on my ass (though it might be kind of cute and funny if I did).

The Near Future:

I am pretty stoked for this upcoming weekend.  We're taking a road trip to Yosemite for one-on-one time with nature (Jason the boyfriend is a huge nature freak).  This will be my first time to visit a national park, so of course I am excited.  I am also SUPER EXCITED because on the way home, I get to meet up with TJ, who will officially become my first MrazWoman meetup on this trip. :-)  YAYYYY!

By the end of November, I am also embarking on a journey to San Diego to catch a Mraz show with Dawn and Jen.  This will be my first time to go on a trip to a different part of the country by myself...I am both super excited and super scared!  I am hopeful I don't get on the wrong train, or I'm not late for my flight, or that someone from Dawn's hotel will come get me at the SD airport.  I hope this trip will live up to the hype, it being THE MOST AWESOME MRAZWOMAN MEETUP OF 2011! :D  I wish all of you can be there.  Maybe next time! :)


I guess that's it for now.  If you haven't gone over to http://jasonmraz.com/community to create your profile, DO IT NOW and be sure to join the MrazWomen group. :)

Lots of love and light and awesomeness,

MrazWomen Update: This blog might not be as active as before, but our online friendship is as strong as ever!

I know, I know...some of you might not see the point of posting entries on this blog since we all already chat on Twitter and on Facebook (you have to message me to be added to the private group), but I can't help but feel a bit emotional (weepy even) when I realize that this is where it all started.

This blog brought us together in the first place.

For those of you active in the FB group and those of you who are not on FB but are on Twitter, I hope that you don't completely disregard the positive effects our blog posts have on MrazWomen such as ourselves, just because we have other portals in place. We have so many experiences to share--both good and bad--to other people and this is one of many ways to reach out to other like-minded folks.  For some, this is a fantastic and truly inspiring thing...imagine having a collection of friends you can talk to about anything and not being afraid of being yourself!  Only through the internet.

To encourage and inspire current members to post more and to encourage and inspire new gals to join our little online family of wonderful women, I shall post more on this blog.

I miss hearing from all of you!

Be love,

Jason Mraz on Spicks and Specks!

I love it!!

Game answer:

You girls are awesome...

And the song was.... from Ana Diegues on Vimeo.

Now i invite you to join me ... it's your turn!!
With peace and magical love...
Ana D.

Let's play a game!

Hope you girls like it... and I'm sorry for my annoying voice, it's not always like this.. dunno what happened! uahuahhuaha

Ana D.

Amy's top 5 (non mraz) favorite songs right now at this moment.

1. Andy Grammer "Lunitic"
This guy has a really awesome sound. I love listening to this song in the car.. .I sing along to it and just about every single song on this album makes me just happy.
My favorite line of the song is

"You can do this, you can do this
You are not a lunatic
Crazy would be changing your mind"
2. Matt Nathanson "At the end of the world"
I love love love love love love love Matt Nathanson. He is seriously right up there with Mraz. I have never seen him live but I would give anything to do so! I am obsessed with youtuve vidoes of him. His shows look like so much fun and he is freakin hilarious. Anyway.. his new album Modern Love.. is just perfect in every way. This song is awesome. It was hard to pick just one for a current favorite..

"if the sun don't light
and the night won't turn
we'll get a room at the end of the world
and we'll rewrite all the wrongs we've learned
safe in our room at the end of the world"
Oh my goodness.. I just love him!

3. The Weepies "Gotta have you"

This is seriously one of my favorite songs of all time. Its so beautiful. They know how to write a song.  I am so happy they are playing local next month and I am going to try so hard to see them.   I need to post the lyrics to the whole song because I love it so much.

"Gotta Have You"

Gray, quiet and tired and mean
Picking at a worried seam
I try to make you mad at me over the phone.
Red eyes and fire and signs
I'm taken by a nursery rhyme
I want to make a ray of sunshine and never leave home

No amount of coffee, no amount of crying
No amount of whiskey, no amount of wine
No, no, no, no, no,
nothing else will do
I've gotta have you, I've gotta have you.

The road gets cold, there's no spring in the meadow this year
I'm the new chicken clucking open hearts and ears
Oh, such a prima donna, sorry for myself
But green, it is also summer
And I won't be warm 'til I'm lying in your arms

No amount of coffee, no amount of crying
No amount of whiskey, no amount of wine
No, no, no, no, no
Nothing else will do
I've gotta have you, I've gotta have you

I see it all through a telescope: guitar, suitcase, and a warm coat
Lying in the back of the blue boat, humming a tune...hmmmmmmm

No amount of coffee, no amount of crying
No amount of whiskey, no wine
No, no, no, no, no
Nothing else will do
I've gotta have you, I've gotta have

No amount of coffee, no amount of crying
No amount of whiskey, no amount of wine
No, no, no, no, no
Nothing else will do
I've gotta have you, I've gotta have you.

I've gotta have you, gotta have you
I've gotta have you

4. Plain White T's- Map of the world.

I was never a big fan of this band.. but decided to get this album anyway.. it is really good. This song has some really good lyrics and I love singing along to it.

The wind comes through singing the blues
but where do I fit in
The autumn trees dance with the breeze
but where do I fit in

Am I a dot on the map of the world
Just a spot on the map of the world
When I imagine the whole universe
Oh, where do I fit in

Wish I made it, wish I might
find some answers here tonight
Tell me, is there something out there

5. Matt Nathanson "Faster"

I really wish this song was written about me.  Just listen.. you will know why.
"You're so delicious
you're so soft
sweet on the tip of my tongue
you taste like sunlight
and strawberry bubble gum

you bite my lip
you spike my blood
you make my heart beat faster"

What are your top 5 current favorite songs!?

This blog has been a ghost town lately...

We need to change that.
I'm fixing to post a series of blogs, reviewing this band that I have come to love, called
Me & Mr. Cassidy.
If you're a superfan of Jason and the Makepeace Brothers, and all of them, then you probably know who I'm talking about.

I was asked by Hope Leigh Rollins, the "Me" in said band to review their new album, and gladly I said yes.

So, I'd appreciate the feedback on the blogs.
Thanks girls. <3

This is what I look like today...

and I'm trying not to pull out my hair.

My name is Courtney, I live in Commack, NY. I have 15 years upon this earth and I love Jason Mraz. My twitter is Castaway23. 

So, I got the invite to join this actually a few months ago but it is just now that I learned how to do so. Yeah, I'm technologically un-inclined. I presume that i shall tell you a bit about myself, here goes it:

I am a girl.
I play bass guitar.
I play regular guitar.
I love to skateboard.
I love to play football.
I love Jason Mraz.
I love Green Day.
I am an English nerd.
I love life.
I am very religious.
I love making new friends.
I am a very deep thinker.
Richie Betanzos is someone I care about very much, he is like a big brother to me.

If you want to get to know me, I am an open book. :D

I first encountered the wonderful music stylings of Jason Mraz in 2008 with I'm Yours. It was right before my brothers wedding and it brings back amazing memories. i remained stagnant in his music for quite awhile. Last December I started following him on twitter and ran into FreshnessFactorFivethousand.blogspot.com It changed my life, the posts 23 Skidoo and Now's Here Resolutions. After realizing how amazing of a person he is, I delved into his music head first and am so happy to have his music in my life. His wordplay is what I appreciate most. My favorite songs by him are Mr. Curiosity and Gypsy MC.

Jason Mraz has changed my life for the better.

Nice to meet you guys,
Courtney =)

Gratitude book list

Here is the list.. in order of recipiant. TJ has it right now. If anything needs updated... address changes or anything like that. Let me know and I will update my list that goes in the book.

Also, let me know if I am missing anyone. ... I had to redue my list because of a computer issue so please please please let me know if you are suposed to be on this list and I have lost you some how.

TJ Harrewyn

Christina Dickerson

Elise Eldridge

Stephanie Hardy

Ellen Jannol

Dana Baker

Molly Kasakowski

Marrisa Martin

May Multari

Jena Redwansk

Sasha Brigante

Whitney Howard

Brandie Benson

Jam Regis

Baille Feliz Simplicio

Charlotte Yamat

Caisa Tornberg

Patricia Zavala

Paula Aubert

Then back to me.


Almost speechless.

I'm in awe at this TED talk.

I can't believe how wonderful this poetry is! You listen and are completely engulfed and can not help but want to try it out yourself.. yet doubt you can.

I wonder if I could ever write poetry like this. It gave me chills and made me tear.

For me, TED talks teach me and inspire me .. and I'm so speechless as to how grateful I really am for discovering the talks.

Now, I know we all are sitting and waiting for Jason's performance for TED :) but in the mean time.. go to TED.com and discover so much. It's like these videos were made for me.. I swear.

"I feel like gratitude is always what gets us to the next level."

With gratitude,


So May and I just met through the facebook group and realized we not only live both in NY...both on Long Island...both in Suffolk County...both on the South Shore.... but OFF OF THE SAME STREET, WENT TO THE SAME ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND WENT TO THE SAME HIGH SCHOOL.

I am in love with life and all of its connections right now....

Wow :)



I am so grateful!!!!

and excited to be added to this wonderful community and project of Mraz Women!

Hello everyone. :) My name is Stephanie Hardy. I am 19 years old and a freshman at Boston University studying Hispanic Language & Literature and (hoping when admitted to the program) Public Health with a concentration in Health Law, Bioethics and Human Rights. Sigh, that is a mouthful. I'm from Long Island, New York and loveeeeee me some Mraz.

I don't even know where to begin. Well, the beginning of my love for Jason Mraz is not a definite time or place. I don't have a day in particular where I remember falling in love with his music. I remember being very young and hearing The Remedy on the radio etc. I started to really become a fan with his We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things album however, I did my research and now, and rightfully so, know every song he has.. or almost. :) I'm not one of those "Oh my gosh...Jason Mraz is so good! I love that song he has with Colbie Caillat! Lucky!?" No. Oh no no no. I have a great and complete appreciation for the man, the music and the message although I have somewhat of a late start I'd say.

I saw Jason in concert first in NYC in October 2008 at Radio City! It was awesome, the gospel choir, the energy, the diversity of people. Next, I saw him at Jones Beach on Long Island August 2009, my home. Jones Beach is by far the greatest location for a summer concert. A Beautiful Mess: Live on Earth album is my favorite and that concert was of that tour, with the same arrangement more of less. The trumpets, the energy! THE ENERGY! His energy, the crowds energy and my floor seats were all perfection. I was in my glory that night.

December 2009 I got my first (I say that because I contemplate others) Jason themed tattoo.

When Jason played "The Remedy" at the Jones Beach concert, it was such a moving rendition of the song and it touched me. I cannot describe the feeling that I had inside. It's a very simple motto for life that can make all the difference. 
I saw Jason for my 3rd time at the Life is Good festival in Canton, Mass September 2010. I was browsing his website, knowing it wasn't on any tours and found the festival would be 3 weeks AFTER I arrived in Boston for college. I was ecstatic!!! It was met to be. I was close to the front, soaked it all in. This is the first day that I was introduced to Brett Dennen as an artist and he has become another love of mine who I will see for the 2nd time in May in NYC!
I yearn to meet Jason, travel to San Diego area and see his favorite spots, visit Cafe Gratitude and all of these things. Many more concerts to come for me :) Of course!

Some other memorable moments for me were when his fiance TP tweeted me! I had commented a picture of her and who I thought was Jason, laying in the grass. It was really old and I was the only one to comment saying something along the lines of "This is beautiful! I can't believe no one has commented this, I love you two together!" She replied me saying.. "Ha! That photo you commented on was the guy I was dating last year" hahah awkward! Must have been G. Love.....   My twitter is twitter.com/DJstephyh <- The name has changed as a joke ... don't judge lol I have like 6 DJ's following me randomly.. hah
Also, Tricia the joyologist is a big inspiration of mine as well! She tweeted me and answered me on tumblr about a question I had! Hardyhar.tumblr.com if you want to follow me on Tumblr! 

Hm what else, what else. I am a HUGE fan and believer of gratitude and appreciate Jason's message of giving love, being love and being thankful for what we have in our lives. I cannot stress enough how uplifted I feel because of his blog posts and his music and the way he shines his light onto all of his fans and anyone willing to listen to his piece of mind. I know you all feel the same and that is why this blog is such a blessing! I'm not crazy, I am appreciated by all you fellow fans hah

Some of my favorites of his are.. The Remedy (from Live on Earth album), Curbside Prophet (Tonight Not Again), his covers of Rocket Man and Good Old Fashioned Loverboy (B-sides), Little You and I (Java Joe's), Older Lover (From the Cutting Room Floor), After An Afternoon (Java Joe's), No Doubling Back (Tonight Not Again) and on and on and on. Certain versions are just PERFECTION, so I had to distinguish. ;)

P.S. If you wanna..  facebook.com/HardySteph

With gratitude and excitement,

"We're taking the higher route, we're taking the ceiling out, We're going up!"

Hi :)

Hello Mraz Women!
I’m so pleased to be part of this wonderful blog. It’s such an amazing idea to join together and spread stories of gratitude, hope, peace, love, and what’s going on in our lives to other women across the world, all connected by our love for Jason. I’m new here, so I’m going to introduce myself.

My name is Emily, and I live in Sheffield in England, (which is the greenest city in Europe, I’ve heard.) I’m 16, and I’m currently studying History, English Literature, Psychology and Music for my A Levels. I play the Piano and take singing lessons, but would LOVE to learn acoustic guitar too! I am also a huge Harry Potter fan, and have become obsessed with Glee (I got into it because of Darren Criss- Blaine- whose theatre company Starkid is another of my great loves in life.) I enjoy reading, playing music, hanging out with my friends, History (especially American), writing stories, walking, and listening to music (some of my favourite artists, aside from Jason, are Freelance Whales, Darren Criss, Blue October, Elton John, Muse, Mumford & Sons, Yann Tiersen, Matt Nathanson, Amy McDonald, Counting Crows, Simon & Garfunkel…. I’m also a big fan of Folk, Classical, World music and Wizard Rock.)

I’ve started using Twitter a lot more recently- follow me? I’d love to meet you all on there. :) I’m @moonshoesemily.

Something that I would love to do in life is some sort of roadtrip across America, the place I most want to visit in the world (because they have Jason Mraz, practically the whole Harry Potter franchise, Redvines, Jason, California, NICE WEATHER, groovy accents, and Jason, to name just a few things.) Basically, I’d love to do something like the video of I’m Yours, and just travel through all the small towns and meet people- I’m not particularly interested in the big cities like New York. Although I wouldn’t say no if someone offered to take me! My mum has a fear of flying, and so the farthest I’ve travelled from the UK is Austria, but this roadtrip WILL happen one day! Oh, and I will also visit Jason’s Avocado farm while in California, of course! ;)

I discovered Jason Mraz about 4 years ago through my friend, whose parents are a fan. She sent me a link of Sleeping To Dream and told me to listen. I liked it, but I wasn’t in love. On the related videos list, I decided I liked the look of the thumbnail for Bella Luna, which was a photo of a sunset, so I clicked on that, and I was absolutely blown away by the power and beauty of the song. I spent the rest of the day going through the Mr A-Z album on youtube, listening and favouriting all the songs, and then I bought the 2 studio albums he had then produced. My friend emailed and said “’I’m Yours’ is in the charts! We listen to popular music!” (I have never been a ‘Top 40’ kind of person, so it was funny to us when everyone suddenly knew about him- and only for one song, sadly.) Anyway, we’ve both had a lifetime’s ambition of seeing him live, and catching his hat together. There is still a lot of arguing between us about who would keep it though…!

Jason is inspiring me in many ways– some of my favourite lyrics by him are “Go make your life, not a living…” Because I feel like often we can be so caught up in the trivial of everyday life, that we forget what it is to just ‘live’ and to step back see the bigger picture. Everyone on this blog will understand what I mean, and I am grateful to Jason and others who inspire me, and show me there is more to life than the material side.

So far it’s been a pretty good year. I started at a new school and made new friends, I saw Freelance Whales when they came to England which was exciting, I am generally eating healthier (still need to start some regular exercise though, that doesn’t just consist of walking up to school from the tram stop everyday…) I have had no migraines for 3 months *touchwood*due to my improved attitude towards school that doesn’t accept ‘Oh my god I’m going to fail my homework/exam/life and now need to run around like a headless chicken’ (I used to get them pretty regular, and they’d put me in bed for a few days) and also, I dyed my hair red, which is a radical change for me as I'd never really done anything different with it, and it helped me to feel like a new, more exciting person!

Today I performed Piano for the first time in about a year in the lunchtime concert at Music Academy where I go every Saturday, and it went quite well, a big step for me because I HATE performing! Whenever I felt terrified leading up to it, I kept singing “The remedy is the experience…” in my head, and it seemed to work. In a strange way, I actually enjoyed the performance, even though my legs were shaking! I was facing one of my biggest fears, which always feels good afterwards, and I felt like I was giving the joy of music to people, even for just 5 minutes, and while I was playing, I began to think “This is actually one of the best times I’ve played it!” I have a great issue about putting myself out there with my music, I prefer to shy away in the background, watch others, and just play it for myself. But I’m slowly realising that it’s a wasted opportunity if I never perform, and it could even be depriving my friends and peers of the enjoyment and peace of Listening, so I signed up to do it today.

Just wanted to share that with you! I’m quite proud of myself, because a few months ago, I said I wouldn’t perform again after a bad experience where a performance went quite badly. I played ‘Le Onde’ by Ludovico Einaudi, if any of you are interested.

Ok, that’s enough about me; that was longer than I intended so thanks for reading... I look forward to meeting all of you through Twitter/Facebook :D It's pretty late in the UK, I should go to bed. :)

Peace, and hoping you are all well and happy too,
Em x

Post A Photo of Your Hair Day: A Documentation.

It all started when TJ posted a photo of her new haircut on Facebook.  Check out the awesome bangs!

Then I did.  I know, it's a mess of curls, but I've had short hair for years and this is the first time in a long time I've decided to grow it out.  Besides, my boyfriend Jason already told my stylist not to touch my hair. (Yeah, he likes long hair.)

Then Christina uploaded hers.  Awesome shirt!

Soon everybody else followed!

Whitney and her awesome white headband

Babe-alicious Dawn

Stephanie's CD album cover

Dahlia's crazybeautiful red locks

Marissa and her killer blue highlights, how I envy you!

Amy, hypnotizing you with her eyes

Sarah and her adorable glasses

May and her mustache.  Another fellow hair grower due to boyfriend's demands. :P

So far, those are the people who were bored enough to follow the fad.  Haha, maybe next time we should do a weekly post-a-pic theme!  That should be fun.

I owe you a better blog post next time.

Lotsa love,

March 8.

My fellow Mraz Women!

Today is an International Celebration.
Cheering for all those amazing achievements women have accomplished through the years.
And because of it I want to congratulate all of you amazing people.

Because of the great accomplishments you've had through your lives, the struggles, the sad moments, the happy moments, those little moments that make you smile, everything that makes you proud, everything that makes you fear and yet you have faced it bravely.

Congratulations, we're still here, on course in earth enjoy every bit of it. All of us brought up together by an amazing guy, but now acknowledging the awesomeness of each and everyone of us.

I love you all,
Enjoy your day..

Patty Zc.

Be Love..

For You, From Me

Did this a few days ago, and I wanted to share it with you :) It's my new screensaver.
I took the photo in Brazil and then quoted Mr. A-Z. I cannot take out that song from my mind!!! ADDICTIVE!

Go make your next choice, Be your best choice.
And Be Love

The Lonley Whale - heartbreaking story

Once upon a time, there was a whale called June. Or maybe her name is Margaret. Or Kate. We don't really know. A few nitrogen-hearted scientists call her 52 Hertz just because she sings at a 51.75Hz frequency, but I will call her Alice.

Alice isn't like any other baleen whale. Unlike all whales, Alice doesn't have friends. She doesn't have a family. She doesn't belong to any tribe, pack or gang. She doesn't have a lover. She never had one.

In the immense solitude of the ocean, Alice is completely alone.

The only thing Alice does is sing. Like other whales, she has been singing for a very long time. The first time we heard her song was in 1989, when the hydrophone network of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recorded her voice for the first time. The researchers at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution have been tracking her using these hydrophones for the last two decades.

Her voice is unlike any other baleen whale. It is unique—while the rest of her kind communicate between 12 and 25Hz, Alice sings at 51.75Hz. You see, my dear humans, that's precisely Alice's problem. No other whales can hear her. Every one of her desperate calls to communicate remains unanswered. Each cry ignored. And with every lonely song, Alice becomes sadder and more frustrated, her notes going deeper in despair as the years go by.

Nobody knows why this is happening. Nobody knows why Alice is going through the wrong paths instead of following the usual baleen whale's migratory channels. Some think that she might be a weird hybrid, one of a kind...


I am grateful for singing in the same frequency that my Mraz Women..
Be Love..

Being Love..

Guys, you're always on my mind..

Be Love!!


ps. the hardest part of this pictures is the weird looks the people give to a random girl taking a pic of her smelly foot..

holy toledo, batman. It's been forever!

I started a blogpost FOREVER ago, and was really depressed, but about halfway through, I realized, wow. i didn't want to keep any of it. ewh. it was annoying.

I am in San Antonio right now. In comparison to everywhere Patty goes, it seems like nowhere.

But it's really got me thinking.

Just me and my grandma took this roadtrip alone.

And I thought I would be bored out of my mind.

Last night, we went out to eat, then randomly, she decided, "we have no reason to stick around here (Houston), let's leave tonight!" And so we embarked on a four and a half hour roadtrip, to somewhere she refused to tell me until the end.

We've spent some good quality time together. Which has been good for both of us.

I've been waaay too caught up in my social life lately, and needed an excuse to get the hell away from my phone for awhile. :)

She told me all these stories I had never known about her before.

All these love stories.

I didn't even know my grandma was capable of romantic love (her being the "Player type". She was basically a one woman army her whole life. she's tough).

We talked. I told her about things I had never felt comfortable telling her before.

Like the affair I had with someone. She knew him, and his wife.

She didn't judge me, like I thought she would.

This weekend has been amazing. :) I saw the Alamo.

And the Riverwalk. I never imagined it'd be that beautiful.

Oh, and I think I'm beginning to remember myself.

The part of me I'd tucked away.

The part accepting of falling in like. Or even love. Who knows?

It could be Love.
I have a feeling, it's going to be amazing, either way.
I love you girls.
Thank you for putting up with me enough to finish reading.

Hi, I'm here again.

I was encouraged to post something, so it isn't much, but here it is anyways.
I'll do something along the lines of what Dahlia did :)

Random stuff that's happening in my life!

1. Still working, going to school, living at home. Living a rather mundane life right now, but doing what I can to fix it!
2. In May, my dad and I will be going to Holland from the 4th to the 19th. My dad was born there, and hasn't been back since he was fourteen so he's dying to head back to his homeland. As for me, I've been wanting to travel abroad for 48456411484 years, so this is my chance. I've never even been on an airplane before, so my first trip will be a nonstop flight from San Francisco to Amsterdam, 14 hours, oh joy!
3. Uhhhhmmmmmm.....

Oh boy, it seems that those two things are all I can think of at the moment.
Also rather excited for news of a new Mraz album, can't forget that! Expect many fangirl posts from me all over the interwebs when that happens :D

Hope all of you ladies are doing wonderfully!

Being love,


I am a checker at a grocery store. .and I have to deal with a lot of crap from people. But every now and then something happens that totally brings a smile to my face.

On Sunday,... about an hour before my shift was to be over. I had a young lady in my lane usine a couple WIC checks (WIC stands for Women and Children... assistance for pregnant women and children under 5 with low income) and we chatted while I was ringing her up.. and when she went to buy her two extra items not covered by WIC she pulled out a bunch of change and was counting it out and she was saying "I hope someday I don't have to struggle" when she turned to put the remainder 1.00 on her debit card, the women behind her placed a 20 on her wallet... I saw this and smiled at her. When the young lady turned back around she looked at me and said "did you?" and I pointed to the women behind her and it was a nice moment.  They hugged while the young lady started to tear up. 

When she left.... the child of the customer that gave her 20 dollars asked her "why did you do that?" and the lady said "Because we can afford to get all this food, and some people can't. If you can help people, you should" 

It took all my willpower to not cry right there in my checkstand. Made me want to go out and do something nice for someone. 

So Ladies.. What have you done to spread a little love and kindness around? And if you havent lately.. what have you got to lose?  


I love my MrazWomen.
They tell their stories, they hear mine and we truly understand each other.
We support each other.
But above all they can always cheer me up, no matter what.

I am grateful for finding them, and I am sure that someday I will meet each and everyone of you.
Have an awesome day, as for me I am about to sleep, this time change really makes me shitty.

Greetings from Antibes, fr.

Oh, btw.. I didn't tell you guys.. I went skiing in les Alpes.. omg.. I never imagined I would be so good.. (sure!) haha I had bruises all over my body :(
I share with u a pic of me doing great!

Well, I tried... Good news are that at the end I made it :D
Patty Zc

Be Love..


oh my,
This man really blows my mind. The more I see him I am more convinced that I am inloved with him.
Take some minutes, watch this video and think about nothing else, just enjoy the magic of this man we all share a love for.

Love you all girls..
Patty Zc.




Well ladies, i'm a new Mrazwoman!!! yeeeyy, so happy!

Read some posts just to get an idea of what to write and realized that I wanted to share so much stuff with you!!!

First of all, gonna introduce myself: my name is Paula, people just call me Pau, Pauline, Puli. I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I practice yoga, did dance lessons for many years, Im addicted to my camera, I like photography very much and write sometimes poems or verses when Im inspired (for myself). Im 20, starting Graphic Design at Buenos Aires University and beginning to explore life, what I want to do, and those sort of things.
And this is where jason enters into my life. Apart from his extra-talented voice, uplifting melodies and catchy and sometimes funny wordplay, I love his perspective of the world and the way he puts in practice all that he wants to do. I don't need to explain it anymore, Im sure you all know what Im talking about - gratitude, be love, the power of now, what he posts on his blog, etc… If you haven't heard yet his speech at Leaders Causing Leaders, I super-hiper-highly recommend it (from youtube) ;)

I knew Jason not so long ago, I must confess. I think I became his fan in 2008, when I fall in love with Geek In The Pink, Details In The Fabric and Butterfly. Later, I started to hear more and more songs, and even today I find new songs (the older ones) and many versions of the same songs that are really awesome. Its never-ending, fortunately, there is always something new to hear or see.

Now in February Im going on holidays to Brazil, its pretty close to Argentina, and as you all know Jason will be playing some shows in different cities there and Im trying to convince my parents to go to one of them in Salvador. Hope we'll goo!!! Ive never gone to any of his shows YET. He came only once to Buenos Aires and I couldn't go! I wanted to kill myself! So Im very excited about this possibility.

Apart from J, I hear Jack Johnson, Tristan Pretttyman, Ben Harper, Christina Perri, Colbie Caillat, Coldplay, The Fray, Corrine Rae Bailey, The Makepeace Bros.,The Kooks, Oasis, The Script, James Blunt, Jamie Culum, John Mayer, Keane, music from my country, also Brazilian music etc, etc.

And this year 2011 I've decided to have a greener & healthier life: turning off lights when they are not being used, dividing the trash for plastic, paper, etc, saving more water, eat healthier, do more exercise, & so on. Also trying to tell my family and friends to do the same.
I would also like to begin with portuguese and singing lessons, perhaps someday in the future I will dedicate and post for all of you some Mraz song ;) Don't expect it too soon haha.
And why not finding a prince charming this year? <>that came into my mind right now =)

Im @pauaubert at twitter and many of you are following me. At first I didn´t tweet anything and retwitted everything that I liked or find interesting. Now Im trying to write more things and find difficult to stop retweeting everything, haha but I'm trying to.
I don't know how I wll be able to survive three weeks without you guys and twitter and mraz's videos!! But hopefully I will be seeing him in Brazil ;)

Moving on, Im so happy for J and the pretty TP for their engagement, they really make me happy and they were made for each other. Some time ago I read on twitter that Tristan had joined MrazWomen. Is it true or I had just misunderstood everything?
Once for New Year I wrote something to TP in her twitter and she retwitted me that, I couldn't believe it, I was sooo blissful.

And last but not least, Im really thankful for finding this blog and being part of it, not only I get to know more info and videos from Jason =), but also I love being part of this "community" (if you agree) that is cozy and welcoming, where all of us share our life experiences, thoughts, likes, problems, projects, etc. So thanks for being there, wherever you are in this globe and hope we will get to know each other more :) That really comes from my heart. <3

Wish me luck in Brazil 8) !!! I will be there from this saturday until the 21st of February. Brazilian garotinhas, any of you will go to the Festival de Verao at Salvador the 5th?
Lucy from Argentina, quiero contactarme con vos! Te hable por twitter pero debes estar de vacaciones. Going to keep writing in English so that everybody understands ;) I have just read your post about your meeting with Jason!!!! I cant believe it!! It makes me shiveeeeerr, now you know with whom you can go on first row on the next show!=D

Can't wait to receive the book! =)
Can´t wait to hear his new album!
Can't wait to see Jason on his next tour!

Be Love,
With Love,

Sorry if i have spell or grammar mistakes!, its been long i don't write in english =S