I'm Kicking With You

Hello Ladies

I am having this cold. It’s make my nose all stuffed up and my throat sore. And I cough all the time. So I have got myself cozy in my sofa and am now about to se a romantic movie. Inspired by Jason Mraz, of course ;)


Good morning/night, gals!

Nothing like a cover Mraz-style to start/end your day right. ♥  Easily one of my favorite Mraz covers to date. Enjoy!

Wow, today's the day.

I've been thinking about this day, in the back of my head, it's always been there, for weeks now.
And how did I celebrate it?
By watching Donnie Darko in my room in the darkness until 3 in the morning with my cousin Preston.
But after Preston went to sleep, i got to thinking...
Ohmygod. Today is the day. Finally.
Then, i saw that picture, and smiled. And gave mental kudos to Jam for that.
And then i got on here, and read Dahlia's post.
That is the exact same way i feel. When people ask what is so great about him, for me to be obsessing over him for 7, almost 8 years, I am simply dumbfounded.
Speechless, there is no word in any language, far or wide, that can describe my feeling for him.
The list gets longer, everyday.
The Reasons Why I love Jason Mraz So Much.
by Christina Dickerson.
But for real.
I read his blog, about Ghana. And literally wanted to cry tears of joy.
He is the most selfless man on this Earth.
He is the one thing that gives me hope in this world.
When all else fails, and I feel like there is no good in this world, Jason always somehow pulls through.
He's my Ray of Sunshine, when the sky is full of rain clouds.
^^cheesy, i know.
Well all you Mrazgirls, here we are.

Happy 33rd Jason Thomas Mraz. We love you.
Truly, we do. ♥

33 is the new Awesome; Awesome is the Jason.

To the man who gave birth to a community of be lovin' women and didn't even know it...

HAPPY 33rd birthday, J!

We love you!

He does a thousand things.

Several people have told me “Jason Mraz is gay. He is not really that happy, trust me, it’s an act he puts on so people will like him more. His music is so lame, he only sings about love. All he does is sit around play his hippie music, smoke weed and eat healthy. Why do you like that loser?” Next time ANYONE says anything like that to me I am showing them this video. This is only one of the many reasons I love this man. Everyone should sing about love and peace and harmony the way he does. Everyone should help the environment and those in need the way he does. His happiness is not a act for cameras. Honestly, even if he wasn’t a famous singer he still would be doing what he is doing. This video is so moving. He does so much more than sing his hippie songs, smoke weed and eat healthy. He does everything he can anytime he can. He is not just winning grammy’s. He is winning awards for helping the planet. He is so much more than just a singer. I love you Jason Mraz.

Lots of love,

(Always) Looking for my ray of sunshine.

I've always been the gal with the wide smile and the boisterous laugh who never fails to infect people with my unfailing optimism and overall happy vibes.

Which is why it's so ironic that underneath that, I am actually a girl drowning in drama.

Things are not so great at home.  Conservative parents who think they are liberal.  Parents who've stayed together all these years (almost 40), but it's obvious that they would be loads happier if they separated.  Financial problems.  Attitude problems.  Graduation.  Lack of a job.  Lack of opportunities for a job in this country.  Parents breathing down your back, coming up with all these suggestions for you to follow that obviously did not work for them.  Parents who claim to know better.  Not being able to express yourself for fear of being misunderstood.  Never-ending guilt trips.  Lack of motivation.  Lack on inspiration.  You get the gist.

Imagine that you are doing everything you can right now, given the circumstances, to make your life better.  Updating your portfolio/resume, pulling contacts, sending sample work to anyone who wants to see them... I stay in my room because I don't want to go out and spend money I don't have.  Regardless of that, all the people in my home see is that my life is becoming sedentary and that the reason I am getting chest pains is because I am always on my computer being unproductive.  What really gets me upset—and I don't know if they know how hurtful they sound—is the way they compare me to my brother at my age whom my dad kicked out.  He was always at home, had no work...basically same as me right now.  The only difference is I am working my ass off to get out of here and all he did back then was spend day and night playing computer games.

During Father's Day, after I greeted him and sat down at the breakfast table, while I was slowly breathing and clutching my chest (I've been getting chest pains lately), he proceeded to read all his text messages from people, greeting him Happy Father's Day.  He read my older sister's message out loud and then he proceeded to say how proud he is of how his children are successful...soon after telling me that if I am not careful, I will sink into permanent bumhood.  "Don't wait till you're thirty to get moving with your life."

At that point I wanted to just burst into tears and just...I don't know... unload...but I can't because it was his day.  I can't walk out to stop hearing it to protect myself either because that would be rude.  So I had to take it like a man and suck it up, chest pains and all.

There are days when I feel like my heart is about to explode, at the same time feeling unnecessary guilt that I shouldnt be feeling this way.  I keep feeling that I don't have a right to express myself because like what my mom has told me (when I tried opening up to her), I always got what I wanted and needed from them...but it's not the material things that concern me.  They don't realize how badly, badly discouraged I am.  I tried telling my mom and she just told me motherhood statements, generic advice one gives out even if they know you already know it, all for the sake of having something to say.  It doesn't really help relieve me from anything

I'm so tired and yes, stressed.

But you know, despite all that, despite all the heartache that I seem to carry on my shoulders, including the problems my loved ones go through (friends fighting, couples splitting up, etc...), I am amazed that at the end of it all, I still find a way to be hopeful about everything.  That everything will work itself out and that everything will be all right.  That even if my family is slowly becoming the people who understand me the least, I still have my friends and significant other to put things into a more proper and positive perspective.  That as long as you know you are doing everything you can do to get yourself out of the hole you are currently trapped in, as long as you are confident that you can get out, good things will happen.

So yeah.  Hopeful music helps.  Hopeful movies help.  Hopeful letters help.  Hopeful thoughts help.

Yesterday I got two emails from two different companies offering me to take the next step, to see if I qualify.  I don't have the jobs yet, but out of nowhere, these two representations of hope just came at the exact moment that I needed my ray of sunshine.

And now the smile everyone has grown so accustomed to is back on my face. I am armed with even more hope now, and it feels awesome.


I've been in a funk lately

Waking up at 2 in the afternoon, eating less than one meal a day, going to sleep at 4 or 5. I just haven't felt myself lately.
Maybe it's because of the fact that it's summertime. Maybe because of the fact that i haven't been listening to Mraz as much.
I need inspiration.
I need something to do.
I need a job.
I was supposed to go up to Starbucks today to turn in an application, but instead, we're miles away, at my Grandpa's. I hope that window of opportunity isn't gone tomorrow. Shittt.
But yes, I need something to do.
I've been feeling sooo depressed lately, i haven't been writing, i haven't been singing, and I take about 6 sleeping pills at night, just so i know i'll go to sleep.
Sorry that i'm bitching.
Hopefully you guys won't hate me too much.

Any advice?

Jason in Ghana Because of Freedom Song

Just a little bit of FYI news for my Mraz Women.

Jason Mraz recently visited Ghana on a humanitarian mission with the nonprofit organization, Free the Slaves, whose mission is to end slavery worldwide. Today, Mraz wrote about his five-day trip on his blog and explained how he linked up with the Free the Slaves organization.

Last year, Jason Mraz discovered the “The Freedom Song” written by Luc Reynaud on a CD distributed by Harmonic Humanity, an organization that helps the homeless. He learned that the song was composed by Reynaud with a group of Louisiana children when the songwriter visited the area after Hurricane Katrina. The original recording of the song features Reynaud singing with children from a shelter in Baton Rouge.

Inspired by the song's optimistic message of how music can uplift the human spirit, Jason Mraz started performing the song in public. Reynaud encourages the song to be shared around the world and Mraz always explains the origin of the song, which could definitely be mistaken as something Jason might have written.

Jason also sent a copy of the song to the Free the Slaves organization, after having attended the 2009 Freedom Awards event in Los Angeles. As a result, Jason received a response from the organization asking him to come to Ghana:

"They were spreading the song as Luc had requested and children around the world were singing along – children who were just being introduced to real freedom for the first time in their lives," Mraz explained.

The journey of the song came full circle as Mraz sent a text to Reynaud during his trip to Ghana:

"I sent Luc a text telling him I had just heard 20 former slaves sing his song note for note. He wrote back. 'Of course. It’s their song. I wrote it for them.'" [*]


Ladies, tonight i went out with a friend and she started to tell me about a project she's working on that she came across on Tumblr. you write 30 letters in 30 days. you can give the letters to the people or you can keep them for yourself. I started tonight, and i think it would be something fun for everyone to do. Whatya say girls? the list is below<3
With Love, Marissa<3

Day 1 — Your Best Friend
Day 2 — Your Crush
Day 3 — Your parents
Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)
Day 5 — Your dreams
Day 6 — A stranger
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
Day 15 — The person you miss the most
Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror

Holy hotness, Batman!

Gals, remember this gem?

Pleasant dreams. :)

all of you wonderful girls(:

Christina Dickerson taha.
jason mraz.
lady gaga....
those are my heroes.

Jeff Baugh What I've heard of Mraz's stuff is great - old school pop with a little bit of a modern, street-laced edge. Have you heard the cover he did of that Steve Miller Band song, "The Joker" a couple of years back?

Ah, Lady Gaga. Poke her face, indeed.

Christina Dickerson yes, i've heard every song of his.
that was on happy feet. :D
honey, he's my religion.

Jeff Baugh Ah, Happy Feet - whadda great film. People should talk about it more often.

Your religion, y'say? First Church of The Jason?

Christina Dickerson XD
something like that.
but im too cool for church.

Jeff Baugh I could see it - seem cooler than the other side of the pillow to me, lol.

Unless it was a church with 'soul' - those are cooool.

Christina Dickerson check this out.
in a way, we are the first church of jason.
i'm the poster with the name ChristinaMarie(:
and the rest of them, well in a sense they are my family....

Jeff Baugh I can dig it, for sho'. I like the look of the site a lot, too. Don't usually see sites that look that good on Blogspot, it's true.

So, do you guys qualify for tax exemption status yet, or what?

Christina Dickerson XD i wish.
we're pretty awesome.
i mean, when Jam (the owner) started it, it was really simple, and when i joined it, i felt the love.
like people say they feel at church.
(which i've never felt)....
it was just incredible how the love for mraz has brought us all together.
and we're all friends on here, and twitter, and a bunch of stuff.
i thought i would think "man, what a bunch of wannabe fans. i hate them. i hate this."
since i've been a hardcore fan since 2002, but nope.
nothing but love. ♥

i had this conversation with a friend of mine earlier, and it made me think, you guys really do inspire me.

I'm sure some of you are like "dude, chill. it's just a thing we do in our spare time".
but you girls are awesome.
you really are.
besides my best friend and i, i thought no one understood.

and every single one of you (or at least the ones i've encountered), you just understand.

and you take up some of my days, when i have nothing else to make me smile.

Thanks for opening my eyes to more love.


Nothing but love.
So do it.
Be love.


Just when we thought communication was at its finest...

MrazWomen gets an upgrade!  Not only do we get to leave mentions on Twitter or comments on posts or shout outs on the sidebar guest book, we also get to chat in real time!

That's right.  For those of us who are online at the same time, we can use the new feature I just added to connect, share stories, and whatnot—The MrazWomen Chat Room!

This feature is still being tested, so when you get to read this post, head on over there and give it a spin and comment back here to let me know how it works, mmkay?

MrazWomen unite!

We all need a little inspiration!



So, for some reason, i enabled this website called formspring to my blogger account, and apparently, everytime i answered a question, it would post a blog on here. So, sorry if you've been looking on the posts and thinking "WTF??" Don't worry, i'm disabling it so that creepiness won't occur anymore.

Ya know, i used to vow to never get a twitter, and the sole reason i got one, is to keep in contact with you beautiful girls, and stay updated with Mr. A-Z?

Yeah, so if you haven't already, follow me on there. (:
and send me a tweet sometime and i'll follow you too.


or, if you want, add me on facebook.

i have a lot of you on one or the other already.


Love you guys. (:

These Shoes Are Made For Walking

Went to the shoe store yesterday. Me, my favourite cap and my kid. She had been given directives from her dad about the shoes. Heel, the shoes I going to bring home had to have heels. I’m more of a sneaker (?) shoe girl then a high heel girl. Anyway, maybe I should start with telling you girls my English isn’t the best. But I hope it will continue to develop in the right direction. Actually maybe I should probably start with telling you girls who I am, but I have no idea were to begin that story so… I’m just keep mumbling about the shoes.

When I entered the store there are these high heel shoes dazzled me. There are all kinds of colours. Red, pink, fake snake skin, diamonds, purple. Confused by all I kind of give up before I even started and moved my self down to the sneakers department and fell in love right away, of course :)

Exited I held then up in front of my kid “How about these??” “Heels, mom, heels. You see any heels?!? All flat, flat as a pancake!” And the shoe goes right back to shelf :( And then she made me try all kind of shoes and no one blow my mind away so we moved forward in our agenda and started to try out shoes for her.

And down there among the children’s shoes they hade at black shoe, with a low heel, they were perfect. And the foot slide inside. So comfortable. And then I turned them over. There was this picture of a girl with her hand in front of her mouth like she is toss a kiss away. Then there is the word, Love beside her. It’s like the universe has spoken to me, these shoes are made for walking. These shoes are made for me. Cause if you gonna walk around being love, what’s better then walking around with your feet’s in love?

The J-Team Experience

It has been said that we each are the "master of [our] fate" and the "captain of [our] soul" (Invictus, William Henley).  All we need to do is to visualize in our mind what we want in life, create it, manifest it, and it will all happen for us.

Fun fact number 1: After I broke up with my last ex boyfriend, I vowed to my mother, "My next boyfriend will be a foreigner.  I am done with Filipino men."

Fun fact number 2: I told one of my best-est friends Kia, "Inasmuch as I would love to marry Jason Mraz, there are many, many girls out there vying for that position.  I'd be happy to snag me my own Jason."

And snag my own Jason I did.

This is me with Jason, on his 2-week vacation here in Manila.  Yes, he literally flew 17,000 miles total to see me.  According to him, that's close to traveling around the world to be with the love of his life (me...OMG it's me).

Like Brandie, I too have found love this year, and I am never letting go.  I've been through a boatload of relationship blunders, and this is my reward. FINALLY.

Here are a few samples of the awesomeness that is the J-Team:

10:02 PM      me: :)
ok what moment that happened do you miss the most? i mean, the most that you think about
  when you remember me
  i kind of remember a lot
  the first time you hugged me from behind in the car (when we came to pick you up)
  i actually inched myself back
  so i was nearer you
  and then you just wrapped me
 Jason: yeah... that felt really good
10:04 PM me: i remember feeling, "damn...this is IT"
 Jason: yeah me too
  it was weird how natural and right it felt from the start
 me: :)
  weird in a really awesome way
 Jason: yep
10:05 PM i get chills a little thinking about it :-)
 me: me too!
  hee hee
  when i hugged you from inside the car
  and you were outside
  it didn't feel real yet
  but when i felt you grab me
  in the car
 Jason: yeah, i barely remember that
10:06 PM me: dude, i felt my insides go crazy
  like i wanted to sink into you
  and never come out
 Jason: :-D
 me: it was that warm and inviting to be in your arms
  i felt loved and safe
 Jason: yeah, you felt perfect in my arms like you fit right into there, like you always should have been there
10:07 PM me: and then you sniffed me and whispered, "mmmm coconuts"
  rewind rewind rewind in my mind
 Jason: yep
  don't worry it's not the last!
10:08 PM me: i dont remember
  did we kiss in the car?
 Jason: not sure, i know i kissed your cheek and your hair
 me: i remember feeling afraid that you might think im too forward
  and i wanted to wait for you to make a move or something
 Jason: heh
 me: haha yeah
 Jason: it's a bit of a blur
 me: i dunno
10:09 PM i felt the hair kiss
  and a little bit of neck
 Jason: ;-)

11:29 PM me: babe
  did you just Hey, Joe yourself? (in Facebook)
 Jason: i hey joe'ed everyone
11:30 PM that's how i roll
 me: i didn't get one :(
 Jason: it was a broadcast message
  it's my status
  besides you'd be hey jill or something
11:32 PM me: :)
  mrs. jill kano? :)
 Jason: haha, cart, where is your horse?
11:33 PM me: drinking a bottle of beer somewhere. why?
 Jason: nice. hope it's a rogue dead guy ale
 me: haha
  i am sooo gonna marry you
  i dont give a fuck about the cart or the horse anymore
  i'm not letting you get away. i've waited for you for faaaaar too long. :)
 Jason: haha... confidence
11:34 PM me: hope
  okay fine.
11:35 PM i won't marry you.
  i'll break up with you
  wait for a couple of years
  only to end up seeing you again
  and then you feel it
  that spark
  and then BOOM
 it'll happen anyway
 Jason: haha, orlyyou just know huh
 me: when you know, you know.
  okay sorry
  when i know, i know.
  do you?
11:36 PM Jason: i know that you are the best girl i have ever met
  we communicate better than with anyone else i've been with
  the sex is better than with anyone else i've been with
  you are open to pretty much any possibility for our future
11:37 PM i don't plan to let you go either
 me: i think my panties just ripped itself up in pure happiness :)
 Jason: hahaha
  level up?
11:38 PM me: and i plan to keep it up
  or die trying
  so you will want nothing else
  or no one else, i mean
 Jason: well you've done a good job so far
11:39 PM :-)

12:10 AM me: you just won a whole shitload of pogi points with the j-gal, mister. with my panties ripping itself up and all
  go pack!
 Jason: nice :-)
 me: dont spend it all at once!
 Jason: okay, i'll spend it over a long long period
 me: haha ok
 Jason: how's a lifetime sound?
12:11 AM :-P
 me: power lines
  and yeah
  i'm in :D

He's coming back in October, to stay longer.

9:35 PM 
 Jason: i'll give the car to my parents while i'm gone
  so it'll be here when we come back
9:36 PM 
 me: WE come back
 Jason: yeah, WE
  key word
  i ain't coming back alone
 me: you're hauling me in huh

9:52 PM me: dude the mere fact that you are coming BACK...that's like...a dream for me
9:53 PM Jason: :-)
 me: can't believe i deserve to be returned to by you
 Jason: you deserve it... i can't believe i deserve to have found you!
 me: you deserve it. we deserve each other
9:54 PM sorry boys, this store has been BOUGHT OUT :)
 Jason: haha :-)

So girls...BE LOVE. Keep at it and never stop hoping. Great things come to those who wait. Brandie and I are living proof. ♥

Jason and I are living proof.

The ways Mraz affects my everyday life...

1. He makes me smile when all i want to do is cry for hours.
2. Without him, i wouldn't have any religion.
3. He helps me make friends that i will know and love for the rest of my life (including y'all and my best friend Emily Parsons).
4. He gives me beautiful sounds to inspire me to live and love, harder than i had before.

this is just some of the many.
I love him.
Let's keep the list going girls.
Sorry so short, my sleeping pills are kicking in.

Goodnight. <3

"You Don't Own Me"

Hey hey ladies! Been awhile since you've heard from me, super sorry :(

In any case, last week I had a solo at my school's end-of-the-year Song and Dance Extravaganza, "Trojanantics". The song is you don't own me, and I had the second solo.

Thought I'd give it a post, because A) I promised some people, namely Sasha, I would. and B) I wouldn't even be singing if it weren't for the immense inspiration from JM.

Again, I'll post when I get the chance!

Much love,

My Love Bubble

I have been in a complete love bubble the last few weeks. Recently, the one that got away came back into my life (6 years later). It's entirely too long of a story for a single blog entry, it's better suited for a series of books, but what I can tell you is my most excellent knight in shining armour is moving 1700 miles to be with me. That's right, folks, the man is moving from one coast of North America to the other. He comes home to me next Friday, so in the meanwhile, I will be completely rearranging furniture in my house, and while I'm busy upside-downing my sanctuary I thought I'd transcribe (for your reading pleasure) a chat conversation we had the other night.

I never in a million years thought I would find love. I'll be 27 this year, and I'd resigned myself to a lifetime of spinsterhood. Be Love, my cherished and beautiful Mraz Women. My advice to you is to continue being love. When you love yourself and are open to love from someone else, it will happen for you, too. It will happen. And. When. It. Happens. You. Will. Have. No. Doubts. About. True. True. True. Love.

This is the forever kind. My forever.


KF: You want to kiss me.
And marry me and make babies.

Me: lol
I think you want to do those things to me
You want me to have your babies
And me your housewife

KF: you’re a good one :)

Me: like you’re picking our a breeding companion

KF: lol
Not so much.. just an added bonus to my soulmate

Me: I’m a good egg lol
I thought you didn’t believe in soul mates????

KF: eh I may have fibbed a little before

Me: why would you lie about that?

KF: I said before that i didn’t believe there was just 1

Me: I remember what you said
So what part did you lie about?

KF: not rly lied, but I def believe you are mine

Me: so does that mean you’ve changed your views on the subject? ;)

KF: I do think there’s just 1 person out there who will make you truly happy, more than anyone else ever could

Me: you just made me blush
And smile
And you made my heart pound a little

KF: :)
That’s a good thing
Me: So you think I’m your soul mate?
You, sir, just made my day

KF: yes I do

Me: I don’t know what to say except I’m laying here smiling
And I love you, more than I knew was ever possible
And you made me cry

KF: I love you
Why are you crying?

Me: because I’m happy
Because it’s hard to believe you feel that way about me
And I wouldn’t trade you for anything, not even a non-hippy, clean shaven, meat eating, short fingernailed Jason Mraz

KF: haha
Wow.. that’s pretty up there

My Mraz Image

This is my all time favorite Mraz Man pic, not only because he is stunning in a suit + guitar, but because this is the photo my best friend used for the badassery that was my bday card last year.

I'm really a sucker for a man in a suit......

I think I just choked back a lot of drool.