He does a thousand things.

Several people have told me “Jason Mraz is gay. He is not really that happy, trust me, it’s an act he puts on so people will like him more. His music is so lame, he only sings about love. All he does is sit around play his hippie music, smoke weed and eat healthy. Why do you like that loser?” Next time ANYONE says anything like that to me I am showing them this video. This is only one of the many reasons I love this man. Everyone should sing about love and peace and harmony the way he does. Everyone should help the environment and those in need the way he does. His happiness is not a act for cameras. Honestly, even if he wasn’t a famous singer he still would be doing what he is doing. This video is so moving. He does so much more than sing his hippie songs, smoke weed and eat healthy. He does everything he can anytime he can. He is not just winning grammy’s. He is winning awards for helping the planet. He is so much more than just a singer. I love you Jason Mraz.

Lots of love,


Ana Diegues said...

Wow... that's awesome ;D

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