Well ladies...

Hi my beautiful Mraz women. I don't know how many of you read a post I made back in May, but I had been reading a book on gratitude, trying to practice gratitude, and I just recently finished the book. I wanted to start a twitter account that was dedicated to this practice of thankfulness and love. So I finally have. The account is www.twitter.com/lovelygratitude and it is open to anyone to follow. I'm hoping to retweet things from followers about things they're grateful for, post questions that'll make you think about how you can be more gracious in day to day life, and how we can all make a change for someone else.

I would also like to every Friday have as many hours needed where you can send in something like, "@lovelygratitude, I am grateful today for..." and say what you are grateful for.

Thank you so much for the support and the love. I am forever in gratitude to you lovely ladies. I'm just a 15 almost 16 year old trying to spread a little peace, love, harmony, and gratitude around. So won't you join me?

♥Infinite love♥
Stephanie (www.twitter.com/mr_azfan01 and now also www.twitter.com/lovelygratitude)


Lisey said...

Steph, this is going to sound a little weird, but I'm really PROUD of you for going forth and doing something like this. As easy as it is to say "I'm going to try and be more grateful," it's harder to actually a)stick to it, and b)take it to the next level like you just did. Good luck, my honey bee! Everyone should take note of what you're on to here.


Lucy said...

as lisey said, im so proud too! its a wonderful idea. IM SO IN!

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