What's up?

Soooo here's my first time posting to the blog in I don't even know how long!
Let's see what's new?
I got my dream puppy. Since I was 10 years old I've wanted a pug named Pickles. Don't ask why, I don't know. I was a strange little 10 year old. But anywho, I am now the proud owner of a pug named Pickles! He's pretty great. He has great taste in music. We listen to Mraz everynight before bed and he wiggles his head around and we play it in the car on the way to the vet and it relaxes him. Well, that and a belly rub.

I've had about 5 or 6 surgeries since I last wrote on here I think?
Of course the man has helped me thru those tough times. The surgeons put his pandora station on in the OR, I listen to him before and after, watch some youtube video's, concert DVD's, etc. I honestly think without his songs and just overall awesomeness I'd be kinda bummed out about all this. Instead of looking at it all as A Beautiful Mess. I mean, The Remedy is a big part of what helped me from being totally depressed on my 16th birthday in the hospital with pneumonia. Him and great family and friends of course. Turned out to be one of my best birthdays. I got 2 parties, one at the hospital and one when I got home, and double the presents from staff and family! And 2 free cakes! Can't beat that!
I also enjoyed making 2 of his super fans (who are staff there) freak out when I brought in my signed copy of LIAFLW. I got one of those 150 signed copies. I only got one because I was up late being real sick and well, mom was on the phone with dr.'s and packing for an emergency trip, and I was asking her for her paypal in order to get a signed copy. She thought I was crazy but hey I got one! Seriously everyone at my hospital knows my love for him so well. If I'm real out of it after surgery (this has happened more than once) one of my dr.'s will come and ask me Jason Mraz trivia to see how out of it I really am. Even all loopy I can answer em all!
This summer has been good! I had tons of fun participating in Spread Yes! So did my mom! This was my favorite thing I did. My moms brilliant idea!
I got to go see Jason and Jane in November! I also got to meet some of you lovelies for the first time! Jam after five years of talking I finally got to give you a big hug! I also got to give Philly a piece of art and poem that I've wanted him to have since I was 13! There's an art program at my hospital called Snow City Arts and I was hospitalized the week before my first concert, (I also put off surgery against dr.'s orders to go to my second mraz show. Oh the things I do for that man) they came to me with a project where you have to choose to be inside something and then write a poem about it. I chose to be inside J's hat! Cheesy I know but hey. Philly messaged me that he loved it! So naturally that's the highlight of the year. Picture and poem are below. Remember I was 13 so the poem is no Shakespear haha.
I'm inside a hat but not just any hat people, the hat of Jason Mraz.
Inside his hat constantly plays his greatest songs such as "I'm Yours",
"Lucky" and many more.
It is ver bright and happy, filled with flowers and animals, and a lot of nature.
It is very hippy in here!

Well that's about it with me. Pugs and Mraz. What more could a girl need?

With love,


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