Slavery sucks!

Hey mrazwomen, i've been thinking about things to share in this blog and as I am so focused on my final paper at college i can't think about anything else. But the fact is that it was Jason who inspired me to pick my subject Slavery! Yes, my final paper is about Slavery in farms all over my country(Brasil) and ways of ending it, through the law.

I've been searching the subject for all those years, since Jason first talked about it, when he was engaged to Free The Slaves and all, when he first sang "Freedom Song" to those former slave kids in Ghana.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


You deserve your freedom

Dancing and feeling that beauty


Well it's all for you

All for you, all for you, all for you

Sing FREEDOM" ~ Freedom Song

Recently Free The Slaves started to work with two very important organizations in Brazil who works hard to end slavery for a very long time and also fight for punishing those who enslave people: CPT (Comissão Pastoral da Terra, linked to the catholic church) and Reporter Brazil, both used as a sources to my studies.

Well, i'm so happy with where my final paper is going, it's almost finishes and i'm really thinking about inviting as many people as i can to watch it, so i can spread the message to the biggest amount of people. I feel like it's my moment to help informing people about this horrible crime that keep happening in our world nowadays. It's so sad to know that for buying the wood for my furniture, a man has been kept as a slave, working in very bad conditions, drinking contaminated water, sleeping in a very bad facilities.  And the worst thing is knowing that many people think that slavery doesn't exist anymore, or had been made to think that cause it's easy that way, but it make invisible the suffering of those who had been in that situation. And it's even worse to know that many people take advantage of the lack of knowledge about the subjet to decieve people and pretend that this felony doesn't exist and people who fight against it are crazy to believe in a thing that they call an "invention created to end capitalism".

In Brazil, an amendment of the Constitution added the loss of the property in wich they find workers in slavery conditions, it was approved this year and it's the final part of my work. I'm happy that we made it so far, it's a big step, but there are forces against it, forces that will do it's possible for making the amendment useless, and take away it's power, forces that take advantage of the suffering of those workers and that didn't like the fact that they might lose their land if they find that they are enslaving people.

I just want to thank Jason Thomas Mraz for being such an inspiring figure and for introducing me to such an important thing to fight against. 

Ana Diegues.


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