Hi, I'm here again.

I was encouraged to post something, so it isn't much, but here it is anyways.
I'll do something along the lines of what Dahlia did :)

Random stuff that's happening in my life!

1. Still working, going to school, living at home. Living a rather mundane life right now, but doing what I can to fix it!
2. In May, my dad and I will be going to Holland from the 4th to the 19th. My dad was born there, and hasn't been back since he was fourteen so he's dying to head back to his homeland. As for me, I've been wanting to travel abroad for 48456411484 years, so this is my chance. I've never even been on an airplane before, so my first trip will be a nonstop flight from San Francisco to Amsterdam, 14 hours, oh joy!
3. Uhhhhmmmmmm.....

Oh boy, it seems that those two things are all I can think of at the moment.
Also rather excited for news of a new Mraz album, can't forget that! Expect many fangirl posts from me all over the interwebs when that happens :D

Hope all of you ladies are doing wonderfully!

Being love,


Unknown said...

Im still gonna be in europe traveling around in those dates. and i havent been to amsterdam yet.. it would be cool to meet there :)

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