An Expression of Gratitude

I know it's probably very redundant to say this, but I don't care:

I am grateful for Jason Mraz.

This week has only had fleeting moments of good in it, and my all-Mraz playlist has been my anchoring force of sanity, tethering the little rational piece of me that lives on to a happy place.

Jason, you remind me that no matter how many tears may fall across my face throughout all my struggles, life goes on.

I'm also so grateful that I am a part of a community of such incredible women. Thanks for being your beautiful selves.


Anonymous said...

Wow, just these few sentences are so powerful. And very beautifully written. I, too, am so grateful for Jason Mraz--and as repetitive as it sounds, I feel like I can never truly say it enough because of how incredible and inspirational a human he is. He makes me strive to be a better me. He has changed my life. So grateful you're a part of this wonderful community of women! <3

- Sasha :)

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