Tribute to Lucy

I apologize if this is getting a bit repetitive, but I would like to thank you again on our MrazWomen blog for what you told me. For those of you who are confused, she said, "I believe that when you want something really bad, you get it. Because you put energy to it and energy attracts more energy. Just never stop wishing. You'll get it, I'm sure of it! Just like I did when I thought it was impossible. I still asked for it badly." By the way, our conversation was about her meeting Jason, and me expressing how much I would love to personally meet him to express my gratitude I have for Him. I truly wish I knew him a long time ago, because he has honestly done nothing but good for me. Among the many things I've learned, some of the biggies are: 1) Live high, live mighty, live righteously. 2) Be love. 3) Don't ever let your mind stop you from having a good time! 4) Don't take yourself so seriously all the time. Laugh a little more and be yourself. 5) I won't worry my life away! (This comes in handy when it comes to my schoolwork...I tend to overstress to the max!) And to meet the man who has done all this and countless more things to me would be a dream come true. That is why Lucy's words touched me so much. They give me hope, ya know?

So thank you a thousand more times,
This one is going on my Mraz wall,


Lucy said...

this has to be the most beautiful thing someone ever did for me. i cant express enough how happy this makes me feel. and what i said came from the heart. cause i really think you will meet him, and so every other mrazgal. cause he's just a guy. he walks, eats, wonders around. thats how i came across him. and so will you!
my words dont do justice to the smile on my face, and thats because of you sasha!!

im so very glad to be on your wall, u gotta know you're in my heart!

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