Attitude of Gratitude

Hello pretty ladies!! So I was recently at Barnes & Noble and thought I'd take a look at the sale rack. When I looked at it I found a book called Attitude of Gratitude by MJ Ryan. I've been reading a chapter a day (I probably should read a chapter a week) and it's made me think, how much do I really have to be grateful for? I sat down and wrote a list and that list got SO long. Let's just say my hand is forever in pain;) So I have now started a project where everyday I wake up I write on an index card "I Am Grateful 4..." and then write down what I am grateful for that day. I plan to do this everyday until I have one entire wall covered. This is a large task and on days when I am completely grateful for water, I might have a few repeats. I love this idea of such a small task to show my gratitude to mother nature, man, and my friends and the things they say that make my world shinier. That includes you ladies. I have this love for Jason Mraz that's undescribable and I'm glad I have people to share it with who won't get annoyed at how much I love him... Like my friends, brother, mom occasionally, etc. So in this journey I'm going through of making a more gracious life, I would love it if you would join me on the journey. I plan to make a Twitter account somewhat like @iamgrateful4 but different. It's different in the people that follow it, I'll follow back, anytime those followers say something they're grateful for, I'll retweet it, and even if they don't but the account is mentioned, I'll retweet it. It's one small way to spread a little joy, and I would love if you girls would join me in this. So if you'd like to go on this journey with me, I would love it and I would be forever in gratitude to you. So thank you for your time, sorry for my novel of a message (if we talk a lot already, you know how I am), and may your day be blessed and full of gratitude. Tweet me at @mr_azfan01 and if I get enough people, I will open this account! Let's do this! :):)


MR.A-Z Fan said...
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MR.A-Z Fan said...


Sorry for my spelling errors:)

Unknown said...

Hun you can edit. :) Just click on the pencil.

Dahlia! said...

I would LOVE to join that! That's amazing! I try to say what I am grateful for each day too!! Today I am grateful for this blog and the beautiful gals who are apart of it!! <3

Amy said...

I write it in my journal (try to everynight, sometimes life gets wayyyyy busy and I would rather go to bed then write)

And when I am feeling blue I look back and remind myself that even on the worst of days I still have things to be grateful for.

that book sounds good... might have to check it out.

Anonymous said...

That is a wonderful idea :)

Lisey said...

Count me in :)

Anonymous said...

This idea sounds awesome! Also like Amy, I, too, keep a journal where I try and write down every day something I am grateful for, be it big or small. It's a really great thing to do, and I'm definitely checking out that book! <3

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