
Hey guys!
A lot of you probably don't know me so I thought I could take the time & introduce myself & share my Jason experiences:)

My name is Christine, I'm 20 & I live really close to Scranton, PA(for any of The Office fans, you know what I'm talkin about ;] )
I'm going to be a junior in college in the fall majoring in Graphic Design and I'm an art & design junkie.

I first discovered Jason when I'm Yours was constantly playing on the radio & I would watch the music video on VH1 all the time. I loved the song instantly and decided I would look into him more. I saw "he was the guy who sang the Remedy", listened & downloaded more & more songs, & was hooked. I'm so frustrated with myself that I haven't loved him longer. I liked the Remedy went it first came out, but I was going through a phase with my music that I didn't care what I listed to so I just ignored it ( Now, ofcourse I love it. (I have all albums, and then some, now don't you worry, lol)

Back in August I went to see him in concert for the first time, in Philadelphia, with a couple of my friends.

I couldn't stay for the whole outdoor show b/c one of my friends fainted in the crowd, she has a medical problem, I think..& I couldn't see the second half, we had to get home. I was soo bummed but I know I'm going to see him again for sure!
I listen to him everyday & love him so much for what he has taught me about life & how to live it. Before Jason, I can honestly admit that I was "lost". I didn't know what to think of myself, or others, or the whole world for that matter. My art has drastically improved also, because he inspires me. For him, I am eternally grateful.

With Love & Gratitude,

P.S. Since I don't know everyone, how old is everybody? What are you accomplishing today? This year? This life? I wanna know everything!:)))


Dahlia! said...

Im a Office fan!! That show is hilarious! Im sorry you and your friend had to leave your Mraz concert early! So did I, my friend wasn't feeling well! I also discovered Mraz when Im Yours came out! Then once I found out that he sang The Remedy I freaked and downloaded everything he sang and bought tickets to his concert in Chicago! (The Jason Mraz's Beautiful Mess Live On Earth concert to be exact!) :) Im Dahlia and im 15 im also geek_in_orange on twitter! Talk to me anytime! Great blog! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm Sasha, by the way. Currently 15, going on 16 in October. And I'm LoverOfMraz on Twitter.

You and I have similar "discovering the Mraz" stories. Posted mine awhile back. Oh, here's the link: I saw him at the 09.27.09 Portland concert, but I'm from FL (we flew out there for the concert). And I'm more than sure you'll see him again, so no worries about that! But before Jason, I didn't care one bit about my music. I'd usually just listen to the "top 20" songs on iTunes or the radio and really just followed the crowd. Not anymore. I'm me, now. REAL ME. And it's great. Plus, I have pretty good music taste. ;)

"Before Jason, I can honestly admit that I was 'lost.' I didn't know what to think of myself, or others, or the whole world for that matter."


I think Jason's really helping me figure everything out. It's all making sense. The entire world, really (like you said). It makes him an even more beautiful person than what he already is that he has the power to help people really change their lives (and all through music, blogs, interviews, and the living example he is on a daily basis by the way he chooses to live his life).

And as far as what I'm accomplishing in this life, I honestly have no idea. One more thing to figure out. All I know is that I want to make a difference. That's all.

Well, wishing you an amrazing day,
Sasha B. <3

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