All bets are off from this point on...

Lately I've been a big promoter of taking initiative. You know this especially if you follow me on Twitter... It's clearly been on my mind for the past couple of days. Whether it's been asking to be Facebook friends with a guy from my school who I find attractive, but have never spoken to, to entering contests, or opening up IM with someone who I haven't talked to in years, leaps of faith have been something I've been thinking about over the past couple of days.

I believe that no matter what choice we make, it will ultimately be the correct one. Once you make a choice, there's no going back, so therefore it must be "meant to be". So taking chances can really only bring good. Let's face things head on! So far my "taking chances" state of mind has been working out well. That guy? He accepted my friend request. That contest? I wound up winning a free and signed Anya Marina CD. That IM? Well... I learned a powerful lesson on how people can change, even if only two or three years have passed.

What choice will you make today?

"It's never too late to jump out,
I'm teaching myself to fly.
I'm willing to hit the ground when I decide
It's never too late to save the only life you can save.
It's never too late to start,
You're never too old to try.
Wherever is home, the heart is,
and my heart's inside."


Anonymous said...

LOVE THIS. <3 So, so true. And very inspirational.

Unknown said...

You know what, babe? Any sentence that starts with, "I believe that no matter what..." is always ALWAYS worth it. :)


Lucy said...

better regret what's done than what you haven't. thats my policy.
you go girl! you inspired me :)

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