First shot

Hey, girls, what's up?!

It's my first time here and I guess I should introduce myself...
I'm Viviane, I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and I'm a great fan of Jason Mraz for a long time. I'm very grateful to be a part of this community, I'm always glad to read what you girls share and I wish you enjoy reading what I've got to say.

It was a very thoughtful day to me, there is a lot of weird things going on here in my town.
And in some part of my day, I was sort of reminded of a Jason's new song, What Would Love Do Now.

Don't you girls think sometimes it doesn't seem people have enough love to spend? Or what would explain so much anger, hate and bad atitudes going on? I mean... it's been an awkward world! Wouldn't it be a lot better if people only listen to their hearts and do good stuff?

Anyway... just some ideas!



Ana Diegues said...

Totally agree with you, Vivi!!
Welcome, mrazwoman!


We should always ask "What would love do?" ... love is fair, love is good, love is all about Being Human... You're just a Real Human Being, when You ARE love!

Well.. maybe what i just said don't make any sense to you.. but to me it does! :D

Mrazwoman, Ana Diegues.

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